Cleaning the lint filter takes so little time and yet this step is so often neglected because people simply don't think about it. Until the washing machine stinks and you desperately look for the cause - lo and behold, there is another element that you should clean regularly. Don't let it get to that point, just make it your routine. While you are already cleaning the machine, check the remaining elements for foreign objects that could cause a blockage. In general, the sieve needs to be cleaned once a year. But how exactly can you use the lint filter?Clean washing machine? As already mentioned, it's really quick and easy to do and even more so with our tips!
What is the sieve used for?
In principle, the sieve functions as a filter. It's designed to catch fine debris that could clog the washing machine over time, so it doesn't get into parts where they could cause more damage. Such foreign bodies include sand, lint, but also pieces of forgotten tissues and even coins. This washing machine filter must be kept clean so that the water can drain off easily in the future.
If the normal functioning of the washing machine is disrupted by blockages and contamination, this will of course also shorten its lifespan. And another unpleasant effect arises - the dirty water, which can no longer drain away properly, ensures that your freshly washedLaundry stinks. If you want to enjoy your valuable household helper for a long time and have clothes that smell like detergent, proper maintenance is the be-all and end-all.
The sieve is usually located behind a lid, right or left below the porthole. You've probably noticed it before, but you haven't given it any further thought or thought that only an expert has any business there. Then you were wrong. So, get to the lid! But before you open it (preferably with the help of a flat object such as a screwdriver), we recommend that you place a small container underneath it, as some water might leak out afterwards.
Tipp:To properly open the lid, you should read the operating instructions. Some washing machine manufacturers provide special tools that make the process easier and prevent damage to the paint or metal.
Once the lid has been removed (although water may have already flowed out), you can open the washing machine filter (this is done counterclockwise) and remove the filter. Now you can clean the washing machine's lint filter. But how and with what exactly?
How do I clean the washing machine's lint filter?
Special cleaning products or home remedies are not necessary when cleaning the washing machine's lint filter. After removing it, simply rinse it under running, lukewarm water.
- You can also remove stuck-on lint by using a soft cloth.
- When wiping, don't forget the corners and edges of the plastic. If you can't reach everywhere with the cloth and there is stubborn deposits, you can use a soft brush (e.g. a toothbrush). You can also add a drop of detergent or normal soap to this.
- After cleaning the washing machine's lint filter, move on to the washing machine and, more precisely, clean the seals of the filter, but also the opening in which the filter is usually located. Also check this opening for foreign objects and larger dirt particles.By the wayForeign objects such as money can also collect in the door seal. Check there regularly too!
- Replace the washing machine screen and close the lid.
How often to clean washing machine?
We already have more details about cleaning the machinein this articleexplained. When it comes to the lint filter, it should be said that if the machine is used normally, the filter should be cleaned once or twice a year. Exceptions are households with small children, where heavily soiled clothing is often washed, but also those with shedding pets. Dog and cat hair in particular collects quickly in the sieve and should therefore be removed more frequently - approximately every 2 to 3 months.
Another exceptional case is if you have washed things that lose a lot of fibers or contain dirt particles. Small carpets or bath mats, for example,but also shoesor oily or dusty work clothing.
Prevent a clogged sieve
So that you have to worry less about a clogged sieve in the future or simply to protect your machine, you can take preventive measures:
- You already know this, but still a reminder: always check the pockets of clothes. Tissues in particular often end up in the machine, where they break down and then end up in the filter. Coins and even hair ties are also often forgotten.
- Use laundry nets for smaller items of clothing. This has two advantages: Elements that could come loose during washing (e.g. buttons, sequins, rhinestones, bra underwires) are caught in this way. If you also use a special net, microfibers from synthetic textiles can be caught and you reduce the amount of microplastics that end up in the environment.
- After washing particularly dirty items (mentioned above), you should immediately clean the washing machine's lint filter.
- Shake clothes with animal hair well outside before putting them in the washing machine.