Can you wash sneakers in the washing machine? We give you helpful tips and ideas on how to do this!

If you've ever stared at your feet while wearing a particularly loved and dirty pair of sneakers, you've probably wondered if cleaning them could be easy. Because sneakers bear the brunt of an active lifestyle, they can very quickly become a home to dirt, bacteria and odor. If your favorite pair of trainers have become a little unsightly, is it okay to put them in the washing machine? There is a way to use your washing machine without harming your beloved sneakers. We'll explain to you how to store your sneakers in theClean the washing machine properly, so that you and the washing machine are not damaged.

Yes, but you should always read the care label on your sneakers to find out how to clean them. If your sports shoes can be machine washed, you will save time andachieve a good result.

Can washing sneakers damage your washing machine?

There is a possibility that sneakers could damage the washing drum. For this reason, we recommend putting them in a mesh laundry bag before putting them in the washing machine.

Wash sneakers properly in the washing machine

Keeping your sneakers clean is not an easy task. And if you don't know how to wash them, it can be even more difficult to keep them in good condition and extend their lifespan. You don't have to be a sneaker fan to understand and know how to care for your sports shoesreally cleans.

Cleaning sneakers in the washing machine: preparation

TheWashing sneakersin the washing machine is not difficult, but requires some preparation. As mentioned, before you get started, you should read the care and cleaning instructions for your sneakers to make sure they are machine washable. Also, make sure you have the following tools and materials on hand – a mesh laundry bag, liquid detergent, a soft brush, and old towels.

Dirt, grass and stones have to go

If the sneakers are very dirty, tap them over a trash can or brush them with a brush to remove grass, stones,to remove dirt etc. Removing as much dirt as possible from the start will prevent it from penetrating further into the fabric or making the wash water too cloudy. Then spray the sneakers generously with detergent before putting them in the wash.

Sneakers in the washing machine without laces

After that, you need to remove the laces from the sneakers. You can throw them in the machine with the sneakers, but it's better to wash them separately because a lot of dirt and grime accumulates around the eyelets. This area should get as much water and detergent as possible.

When you tie the shoelacesmachine washIf you want to use it, you should pack it in a small zippered mesh bag. The shoelaces can be cleaned in the bag and they don't get wrapped around everything else in the laundry.

Sports shoes go in a mesh laundry bag

The last thing you want is your sneakers flying wild in the washing machine. If these go in a bag, they will not be damaged and can be cleaned along with other clothes.

Wash sneakers in the washing machine with old towels

Another great way to keep sneakers from getting too beaten up in the washing machine is to fill the rest of the laundry with towels, blankets, or sweatshirts. When choosing clothes, remember that they will go into the machine with really dirty sports shoes. So don't wash your brand new white towels with your dirty sneakers. It's best to put the bag in the washing machine along with a few old towels to balance out the load.

Gentle cycle with cold water

For sneakers, always use the gentle wash cycle (short wash program, easy care program). If the water temperature can be adjusted separately, choose the cold wash cycle – 30 degrees. Hot water can warp your sneakers and cause the colors to fade. Therefore, it is best to wash them in cold water and choose a slow spin cycle or a non-spin option. This not only protects your sneakers from being crushed in the machine, but also ensures a more even washing result.

Don't overuse the detergent

It is so tempting to use a lot of detergent when we are looking at a washable item that is quite dirty. Using too much detergent leaves soap residue behind, which can make shoes stiff and even cause stains. So use a normal dose of detergent and resist the urge to add more. She is enough to wear your favorite sneakersto clean again.

Air dry sneakers

When the sneakers come out of the washing machine, they are only damp - the final spin cycle removes most of the water from the laundry. Allow them to air dry. Still, it's a good idea to place them in front of or near a fan, open window, air conditioner, or dehumidifier to shorten drying time.

Using a dryer is not recommended. However, if you need to dry your sneakers as quickly as possible, you can wrap them in old towels and set the dryer to a program intended for delicate laundry. Once the sneakers are dry, you can also thread the laces again.