With the summer temperatures, many people now particularly enjoy spending time in the garden, on the balcony or on the terrace. Unfortunately, summer also begins the mosquito season. From the irritating buzzing toitchy bite– Mosquitoes can make outdoor activities almost unbearable. If you are looking for a simple solution like thisDrive away mosquitoes on the terrace or while barbecuing in the gardenIf you can, try using coffee grounds!
Idea for natural mosquito repellent
In many regions of the world, mosquitoes are among the most annoying pests. Not only can they cause allergic reactions and cause a lot of unrest, but also a variety oftransmit diseases, including theZika-Virus, West Nile Virus, Chikungunya Virus, Dengue and Malaria.
To theproven methods for mosquito protectioninclude the use of anti-mosquito sprays,citronella candles,Lotions and even bracelets. Although some chemical mosquito repellents on the market are very effective, the cost of regular use can be quite high. There may also be concerns about the ingredients in the products and possible health effects. With these concerns in mind, many people are looking for alternative options for natural mosquito repellents – such as using mosquito-repelling plants, essential oils, or, as we'll see in this article, coffee grounds.
The best thing about using coffee grounds instead of commercial mosquito repellents is thatAbsence of toxins. Therefore, it is safe for use outdoors where children and pets play. According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), coffee is an effective home remedy for keeping annoying insects such as ants and slugs away from the garden.
Burn coffee grounds outside to prevent mosquitoes
Most bugs have a keen sense of smell. Coffee grounds also have a strong smell, but it becomes even stronger if you burn them. Insects also associate smoke with danger, which is why the smell ofburning coffee groundsit deters and drives away. This method will blow your mind - it's free, eco-friendly and really works!
Just follow these steps:
- If you make your own coffee, collect the coffee grounds.
- Spread the wet coffee powder on a baking tray or flat plate and place it in a sunny spot to dry. It is important that the coffee grounds are really dry so that they can burn well. The powder takes about a day to dry.
- Once the coffee grounds are dry, place them on a sheet of aluminum foil or in a grill tray.
- Now all you have to do is light the coffee grounds, for example with charcoal or kitchen paper.
- Let the smoke from the burning coffee grounds dance in the air and drive the mosquitoes away from the garden.
- You can further enhance the effects of the incense by also adding a few fresh sage leaves or rosemary sprigs.
If you have a meeting orOrganize a barbecue party, why not place several of these mosquito repellents around your garden or patio so your guests can enjoy the outdoors in peace.
There are some studies that indicate that coffee grounds can be used as a home remedy forMosquito larvae in standing water(z.B.Rain barrel and garden pond) and againstfungus gnats in the Potting soilcan be effective.
In 2006 the team discovered theBiology Alessandra Laranjafrom the Institute of Biosciences, Letters and Exact Sciences (Ibilce) of the UNESP “Universidade Estadual Paulista” that 500 micrograms of caffeine per milliliter of water blocks the development of larvae in the second phase of their life cycle, thus preventing them from reaching the adult stage. The biologist argued thatCaffeine alters esterase enzymes,which are responsible for fundamental physiological processes such as hormone metabolism and mosquito reproduction. Caffeine also reduces the lifespan of adult mosquitoes, particularly female mosquitoes that transmit the dengue, chikunguya and Zika viruses.
The biologist explained that it is not necessary to dilute the coffee grounds with water to use them. He candirectly into flower pots, fruit and vegetable gardens, drains, sewersand generally placed in any outdoor container that can store water (tires, bottles, cans, boxes, etc.). However, a solution of four tablespoons of coffee grounds and a glass of water makes it easier to use this natural larvicide.
Against mosquitoes in the potting soilCold coffee diluted with water in a 1:1 ratio also works. However, you shouldn't overdo it. Fungus gnats typically have a lifespan of 3 to 7 days.
You can also put the coffee solution in an atomizer and mist the plants with it. Since the mosquito is even in theInterior of a bromeliador can breed in very thin layers of clean water, Laranja recommended spraying this natural insecticide on plants and any suspicious areas.
Also in 2012, coffee extracts were used to prevent larval development and kill both Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus mosquito populations - with both caffeinated and decaffeinated versions. A 2015 study also found that mosquitoes pass throughThe darker color of coffee-treated water can deter them from laying eggs. And if they do, the larvae die, as already proven.
1.Scielo Brazil (2006)Caffeine effect on mortality and oviposition in successive generations of Aedes aegypti; Alessandra Theodoro Laranja
2.Front Physiol (2012); Modulation of La Crosse Virus Infection in Aedes albopictus Mosquitoes Following Larval Exposure to Coffee Extracts; Nicole E. Eastep
3.Parasites & Vectors (2015); Coffee and its waste repel gravid Aedes albopictus females and inhibit the development of their embryos; Tomomitsu Satho
4.The EPA Blog (2009)Climate for Action: New Uses for Used Coffee Grounds