Treating mosquito bites – what helps preventatively and which products relieve the itching?

Who doesn't know it: you're sitting comfortably on the terrace, enjoying the warm weather and being with loved ones or friends and then in the late afternoon or evening at the latest the annoying mosquitoes start to disturb the peace. If, to make matters worse, you forget to get the mosquito spray, you are guaranteed to get one or two bites. And that is no less annoying than constantly and unsuccessfully scaring away mosquitoes. For this reason, you should always be well prepared not only in terms of prevention, but also in case you become the mosquitoes' supper. But how can you prevent and avoid mosquito bites? Or how should you treat existing mosquito bites? Are there suitable home remedies that can be used instead of the usually expensive sprays, tablets, ointments or gels? We have an answer to all of these questions. Just read the following article and protect yourself even better during the “mosquito bite season”.

Treating and preventing mosquito bites – a little ABC for pleasant evenings outdoors

Of course, most of the remedies offered in pharmacies are very helpful. However, before you use them, you can first try out natural products that you often already have in the house and that have proven themselves many times. In addition, such home remedies for repelling mosquitoes are usually much cheaper than their alternatives from the pharmacy. The same applies if you want to treat mosquito bites. In some situations, such as when traveling, products from the pharmacy are often more practical, especially if you have forgotten to take precautions and only the pharmacy remains as a last resort.

No matter what you ultimately decide, the main thing is that you can enjoy the evening in peace and not be driven crazy by itching the next day or, if the protection didn't work, that you find relief quickly can adequately treat mosquito bites. Just try out what works best for you and then equip yourself with what you need. And so that you can do this too, we will now introduce you to the best-known home remedies and products that are available to youFight against annoying mosquitoescan help.

Basic measures

The problem with mosquitoes is not just that they are annoying and the itching after the bite. In some cases, the bites can not only become infected, but pathogens can even be transmitted, albeit relatively rarely, which can then have very unpleasant consequences. This is precisely when you have to treat mosquito bites, whereby conventional products are no longer sufficient and you even have to see a doctor. To avoid all this, it is important not to underestimate the problem, as common as it is, and to try to prevent bites.

  • Proper personal hygiene
    No matter what else you have bought or gathered for prevention, personal hygiene comes first. Sweat is usually known to attract mosquitoes. For this reason, taking a shower before leaving the house is a good preventive measure. It goes without saying that you don't have to put on your sweaty clothes from before again. Because they also act like a magnet for these insects.
  • The right clothing
    If you don't want to have to try the tips listed below on how to treat mosquito bites, you can also protect yourself with the right clothing. On the one hand, it is advisable to wear lighter clothing. This is intended to deter mosquitoes, while dark and especially black clothing is more attractive to them. What is also interesting is that there are special clothes that are made of bite-proof materials so that the mosquito cannot penetrate them. Such mosquito repellent clothing can be particularly useful if you are planning a trip into nature or even want to spend the night outdoors, such as at a campsite.
  • The mosquito net
    The classic mosquito net can protect you not only outdoors, but also in your bedroom and also looks very romantic. Hang it over the bed or patio seating area and make yourself comfortable as usual. A mosquito net does not interfere with air circulation and hanging it up will not result in stuffy air even on hot evenings. They come in a variety of varieties these days, so you can shop around to find the best model for your needs. By the way, there are also hats with mesh that are intended to protect the neck and neck from stitches. Such headgear is also very practical for trips into nature.
  • No standing water sources
    If you have a beautiful pond in your garden, an increased number of mosquitoes is inevitable. That's why you should equip it with natural enemies of the pests. And these are the fish. They eat the mosquitoes and in this way can reduce their numbers. However, standing water is generally not a good idea because no matter how small the amount is, it is enough for mosquitoes to feel comfortable there. This means that even full flower pot saucers magically attract the little beasts. A full watering can, a bird bath or even the rainwater barrel are also magnets for them and should be avoided if possible or at least emptied and cleaned regularly in order to get rid of any mosquito larvae and prevent them from multiplying.

home remediesto drive away mosquitoes

In addition to the preventive measures mentioned above, you can use home remedies that will protect you and prevent you from having to treat mosquito bites later. Here are a few tips:

  • Oil against mosquito larvae
    Some water containers, such as rainwater barrels, are not so easy to empty and clean. In such cases, oils are your friend and helper. Oil is known to change surface tension and this makes it impossible for the larvae to come to the surface to breathe. Mix a tablespoon of any cooking oil with a few drops of cinnamon oil. The latter also has a deterrent effect on the insects. You can also use a drop of dishwashing liquid instead of cooking oil.
  • Treat and prevent mosquito bites - plants and essential oils to scare away mosquitoes
    There are also many plants that are unpopular with these insects and can therefore be placed or planted as close to the seating area as possible. These include tomatoes, basil and lavender, among others. Other deterrents include: chives, catnip and lemongrass, sage, bay leaf, lemon balm, mint, eucalyptus, rosemary, bergamot and scented pelargonium. Alternatively, essential oils from the plants mentioned can be used (e.g. forPotpourri decoration), as well as scented candles, bath salts and the like.
    Essential oils are an alternativeSpray also as skin protectionsuper suitable. To do this, combine a few drops of essential oil with olive oil. Citrus flavors are suitable for this, but should not be used before sunbathing or if you have alreadysuffer from sunburnbe used. When using in perfume, avoid sweet scents.
  • Smoke against mosquitoes
    It is also known that mosquitoes don't like smoke at all. So you can also use it. If you have a barbecue evening, you will automatically receive this protection for at least part of the evening. In other cases, incense sticks work very well. They are pleasant for you and your guests, but they scare away insects. Sage leaves are also a great solution. You need dried leaves, which you first crumble a little in a fireproof bowl. A bowl or plate for incense sticks is well suited. Then light them.
  • Garlic
    Garlic is also said to be an unpleasant smell for mosquitoes. If you like it, then you have a good reason to eat it.
  • The controversial vitamin B
    It is not uncommon to hear that vitamin B can change body odor and thus deter mosquitoes. This is mainly said about vitamin B1. However, there is no scientific evidence for this. Additionally, there are many different species of mosquitoes, and even if vitamin B helps some of them, that doesn't mean it will deter everyone else. Whether you want to try this remedy is entirely your decision. However, it should be done after consulting your doctor to avoid an overdose.

What helps after the bite?

A variety of remedies have proven successful over generations when it comes to getting rid of annoying itching and relieving mosquito bites. While some of them are considered outdated, others are a popular method. Whatever works best for you, just try it out for yourself. We have put together a few options that you can use to treat mosquito bites. These are some products that you can find in the pharmacy.Proven home remedies for treating mosquito biteswe will introduce it to you in detail in another article.

Treat mosquito bites with products from the pharmacy

You can stop the itchingSoothe with an ointment, creams or gels and use them to treat the stitches. These cosmetic products have the task of cooling the stitches. Whether you are for theUse a gel for mosquito bites or elseApplying a cream basically doesn't matter. It's best to get advice on site and then try out a product. You may have to try several until you find something you're happy with. On the whole, however, it can be said that the majority of the products on offer are very reliable. Avoid products that contain alcohol, perfumes or additional dyes.You can also buy cooling rollers at the pharmacy that can be stored in the refrigerator and therefore have a cooling effect. Another variant are sprays, which are perhaps the most long-lasting variant of all the products mentioned. If you use these products to treat mosquito bites, bPlease also remember that these methods only relieve the symptoms and do not help the sting heal. Should the funds forbabies or childrenIf you think about it, you should definitely mention this to the pharmacy, because then chemicals are taboo! Only natural ingredients are used.

Heat is very suitable when you want to treat mosquito bites. And special pens were developed for this purpose. Would you likeTo treat the bites with a pen, you not only have a variety of heat pens to choose from, but also the mechanical pen healer, which sucks the mosquito's poison out of the wound, and the electric sting healer, which uses electricity to banish the itching. Your pharmacist can give you more detailed information and help you make your choice.

You may have already heard that COrtison cream can help if you want to treat mosquito bites. And the cortisone contained in the creams can actually provide some relief from itchinghelp as it cools the skinand, above all, heals inflammation. If the cream has a lower proportion of cortisone, you can get it from the pharmacy without a prescription. However, as always, it is advisable to visit the doctor just to be on the safe side.


You can also use homeopathy if you want to treat mosquito bites. Here, too, there are various ointments, creams and gels that you can inquire about at the pharmacy. It is important which symptoms were caused by the mosquito bite in order to be able to determine the right medicine. Accordingly, it is advisable to only get the product after the bite and not to keep it at home as a precaution, because not every product helps in all cases. Get advice. Incidentally, all home remedies are also homeopathic.

Homeopathic remedies commonly used to treat mosquito bites:

  • Globules
  • For ice
  • Apis
  • Caladium
  • Cantharis

As already mentioned, these medicines are used for various symptoms and sometimes also as a preventive measure. For example, caladium helps when you feel burning pain in addition to the itching. If you want to treat mosquito bites that are accompanied by severe itching or if the mosquito bites are inflamed, Ledum is again very suitable. For this reason, you should consult your doctor in advance, as only he or she can make the best decision based on the symptoms and prescribe the appropriate medicine.

Scratched stitches

No matter how bad it itches, you shouldn't scratch. This irritates the skin even more and the inflammation becomes even worse. Open wounds can also arise and once the area is scratched, the risk of infection increases. But if you can't stop scratching and you don't have the opportunity to do anything about the itching, a plaster can be very helpful. Covering mosquito bites with plaster is also a good tip if the bite has already been scratched to prevent further scratching. The tried and tested zinc ointment is also a good helper here. It is often applied to relieve itching, but is intended to help wounds heal more quickly, which is why it is ideal if you want to treat scratched areas. It can be applied several times a day.

When to see a doctor?

Mosquito bites are usually nothing to worry about and can be treated with the remedies mentioned or simple home remedies, meaning a visit to the doctor is unnecessary. However, complications can arise in rare cases. For one thing, there is oneallergic reactiona reason to go to the doctor or even the emergency room immediately. But even if shea swellingIf the areas are thick, hot, very red or even painful, you should not wait any longer. All of these can be signs of inflammation, so a doctor should treat the mosquito bites. A visit to the doctor can be beneficial even if you are unsure about the best medications for prevention and treatment.