Wash jeans properly: Helpful tips on how often you should do it and what you should pay attention to!

We love our jeans and want the best for them. The truth is that denim does not require much maintenance, no matter how much we want to take care of it. If you wash jeans less, they will look newer for longer. And, most importantly, it's better for the environment. Find out below how to wash your jeans properly!

First things first: In general, you shouldn't wash your jeans after every wear. This is not necessary and can even cause them to break more quickly. A good guideline is to wash them after three to ten wears. The exact day of washing depends on how they feel, look and smell. Of course, if the denim is stained with mud, food, motor oil, or whatever, you should wash it as soon as possible with a few tipsfor the best stain removaltake heed.

The main problem, aside from stains, is sweat. This means that the weather and your activity level play a role in howoftWash your jeans. Here's a good rule of thumb: If you don't sweat in it and it smells clean, it's okay not to wash it. Once your nose alerts you to a problem, it's time to wash it, even if you've only worn it once. A smell means that bacteria are settling in the pants, which can attack the fabric. And that's not good for your skin either.

Wash jeans properly – use store-bought detergent or natural products

Harsh detergents can leach the color of jeans. Therefore, use a mild soap to preserve the indigo. It is even gentler and more natural if you soak your jeans in a cold water bath with 250 ml of vinegar or put 250 ml of vinegar in the washing machine. This home remedy is basically a magic bullet – it helps preserve the color.

Put jeans in the dryer – yes or no?

The washing machine is perfectly fine, but the dryer ruins the lycra, indigo and fibers of the denim, so it is best to hang the denim pants to air dry. This is a little rougher, but definitely better for your jeans. Stiffness should subside after an hour of wear.

Wash and shrink jeans properly

If your denim pants need a little restructuring, turn them inside out and toss them in the dryer on low for 10 minutes. Then hang them up to dry.

Can you freeze jeans?

Keep your hands off the freezer handle. This method does not clean the denim. The theory that the bacteria are killed was proven wrong several years ago. The freezer may take the smell out of your jeans, but the bacteria that cause the smell will come right back as soon as they readjust to body temperature. So ultimately there is no better trick than washing them.

How to wash jeans properly in the washing machine – tips

When caring for denim pants, there are a few factors that can cause color fading: washing, drying, dirt and oil buildup, and regular wear. A gentle machine wash will remove oil and dirt from your jeans.

  • Turn your jeans inside out and zip them up. When you turn your denim pants inside out, you maximize contact with the part of the fabric that has come into contact with your skin (and its oils and sweat) and minimize contact with the indigo dye. Tighten the zipper so that it doesn't catch on the fabric.
  • Choose your detergent. When washing denim, use a detergent designed for dark clothing to prevent fading. Avoid bleach, which can permanently damage indigo dye, and skip fabric softener, which can build up in denim. Alternatively, as mentioned, you can use white vinegar instead of detergent. Vinegar not only neutralizes odors but also binds colors, making it a good choice for black jeans or brand new denim pants that you're washing for the first time.
  • Wash denim with similar colors. Although you should wash new jeans alone the first time to prevent color transfer, it's okay to pair dark jeans with similar colors (black, gray, and navy) in subsequent washes. Because denim is heavy and retains water, you should not wash more than two pairs of jeans together.
  • Choose the most gentle washing program. Put your washing machineon the gentle cyclewith a spin cycle of 900 revolutions per minute or less (or delicate cycle, depending on the machine) and choose a low temperature – 30 or 40 degrees. Add a small amount of detergent and run the cycle.

Refreshing denim

There are several ways you can freshen up your denim pants without having to wash them.

  • Between washes, hang your jeans outside or near a fan to freshen them and reduce odor.
  • You can also make your own fabric softener by diluting white vinegar with water and adding a few drops of essential oil. Pour the mixture into a spray bottle and spray your jeans as needed.
  • If you've spilled something on your jeans but they're not really dirty, you can wash them between washesspot clean. To do this, apply a small amount of mild detergent to a toothbrush and rub the stain until it fades. Then rinse the area with cold water until the soap is completely removed.