Remove limescale in the toilet: With the right tools and tricks, it can be done in a flash!

This is inevitable. Over time, limescale builds up in many areas of your home, including the toilet bowl. Then a solution must be found to remove it. There are a number of toilet cleaners that claim to remove limescale and make your bathroom look pristine again. But how can you do this most efficiently? How can you remove the stubborn limescale in the toilet?

Photo: Serhii Krot/ Shutterstock

We hope our guide to removing limescale in toilets can help you find a solution. Discover some useful cleaning suggestions below!

How does limescale build up?

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The hard, chalky deposits that appear in kitchens and bathrooms are called limescale. The stubborn limescale is easily found in and around any water source, including faucets, toilets, bathtubs, pipes, and anywhere else you come into frequent contact with. The combination of magnesium and calcium in hard water causes it to evaporate and form limescale deposits.

Removing limescale in the toilet – tips and helpful remedies

You should definitely try these remedies!

Dishwasher tablets against limescale stains in the toilet

If you're lucky enough to own a top-of-the-line dishwasher, you probably have a lot of dishwashing tablets on hand. It seems obvious to use these tablets in the dishwasher, but did you know that they can also remove limescale from your toilet? It is enough to put a dishwashing tablet in the toilet bowl to activate the miraculous invention. All you have to do is wait. After about two hours you should find a toilet bowl free of limescale. However, before using the toilet again, be sure to scrub and flush it thoroughly.

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Stubborn limescale in the toilet - use vinegar with lemon juice

Photo: SrideeStudio/Shutterstock

A combination of lemon juice and another popular substance is one of the most effective ways to remove limescale from toilets. You canan effective cleaning agentTo remove limescale deposits, make it by adding lemon juice to white vinegar. The mixture can remove limescale deposits and restore the shine to your toilet. A simple solution is to mix equal parts white vinegar and lemon juice in the toilet bowl. Let the mixture sit for at least an hour, or longer if the limescale is really difficult to remove.

Can limescale be removed with WD 40?

Foto: New Africa/ Shutterstock

Did you know that WD 40 works wonders for limescale deposits in the toilet? While WD 40 has many practical uses throughout the home, one of its best uses is in the bathroom and toilet, where it effectively dissolves rust and limescale. Simply spray it on the affected area in the toilet, let it sit for a few minutes, and then scrape it off with a toilet brush. If left untreated, hard water stains can make a toilet appear dirtier than it actually is, which is unpleasant. WD 40 can keep your toilet looking new by removing limescale and hard water stains.

Also read:Remove limescale deposits in the shower: three home remedies that get it done quickly