Germinate in the drinking bottle: How to clean your bottle properly to avoid bacteria!

Is there anything that is underestimated than the water bottle you use to drink? Wherever you get there - in the gym, in the office, in the supermarket, even during your regular walks with the dog - you will find this practical object. Even if she has the color you preferred and maintains the temperature of water over a long period of time, it can also house germs, deposits and mold. Below, learn how to avoid germs in the drinking bottle and clean the bottle properly!

Are there any germs in the drinking bottle?

Foto: Leonicky/ Shutterstock

Cleaning a water bottle can be a small puzzle when it comes to the large selection of different types. Experts recommend washing the water bottle after each use: Even if you are practical to keep water on the way, you can accommodate germs and mold if you do not clean it regularly.

Bacteria can be transferred through everything that comes into contact with our refillable water bottles. Dr. Marianne Sumego, doctor forGeneral medicine at Cleveland Clinic, said that bacteria can be transmitted with any touch when people hold their mouths to the water bottle, raise the straw and then turn it off again. Dr. Sumego claims that reusable water bottles are ideal breeding grounds for mold and germs due to the constant moisture they contain.

Symptoms comparable to food poisoning can be caused by bacteria that develop in the water bottle and which you cannot normally see. If mold mushrooms form in the preferred drinking bottle of a person, this can trigger an aggravation of the allergy symptoms. Dr. Sumego says that this can be avoided by washing the water bottle with water and detergent after each use. In her opinion, cleaning of these unfavorable places should have top priority.

Water bottles contain cracks and removable parts: If you do not clean these areas properly, you can house bacteria and mold. It is therefore important to disassemble the water bottle and clean them thoroughly. If necessary, use a wire brush to get into the cracks. Dr. Sumego advises to wash all reusable water bottles - whether made of glass, plastic or stainless steel - to prevent the growth of mold and germs.

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Thorough cleaning of a water bottle with baking powder and bleach

FOTO: Sorachat Kheawhom/ Shutterstock

You should clean your water bottle thoroughly if you have an unpleasant smell or if you haven't used it for a long time. Therefore, mix baking powder, water and bleach to get the bottles clean and germ -free again.

  1. Fill the bottle with warm water after you have added a teaspoon of baking powder and bleach. Let the mix look for one night.
  2. Rinse the bottle with warm water and dry it afterwards. Put the water bottle in the same program as your dishes in the dishwasher when it is dishwasher safe.

Home remedies as helpful cleaning agents - vinegar

Foto: africa_pink/ Shutterstock

Cover vinegar as an alternative if you prefer a more environmentally friendly method. Due to its high proportion of acetic acid, this cleaning agent is not only very effective when killing bacteria, but also inexpensive and non -toxic.

  1. Mix vinegar with water: pour white vinegar into the bottle and fill it up with cold water (in a ratio of 1: 1). Let the mixture work overnight.
  2. Wash the bottle well and dab it dry with a tea towel or paper towel. If you have the option, you can also put the water bottle in the dishwasher.

Tips for the straw

  1. Use a cleaning brush for drinking straws, which is dipped in a mixture of hot water and detergent to remove all contaminants from the inside of the straws.
  2. Let the straws clean the straw in the cutlery basket of the dishwasher if you are suitable for it, or rinse them out with warm water if this is not the case.
@lucykaliceStanley cup girls this ones for you AD How to clean your water bottle…SO easy and gets rid of any bad smell your stainless steel waterbottle might have. White vinegar is magic i swear#cleaning #Cleantok #cleanwithme #cleaningmotivation #stanleycup #cleaningtips #cleaninghacks #cleanipedia #stainlesssteel ♬ original sound – LucyKalice

Cool hacks found on Tiktok

Many TikTok users use detergent and rice to remove all stains and smells in the drinking bottle. The little tutorial is shown in the video and you can see how the spots disappear at lightning speed!

@potspansandpancakesNow you know! Why did they never make bottle brushes that reach the corners ‍♀️ Welcome to the spring cleaning hack series ! Follow me for more more hacks and spring cleaning tips. SHARE with someone who needs to see this!#potspansandpancakes #PPPhacks #PPPspringcleans #Cleantok #kitchenhacks #lifehacks #homehacks #besthacks #ricehacks #bottlehacks #cleaninghacks@Pots Pans and Pancakes @Pots Pans and Pancakes♬ original sound – Pots Pans and Pancakes

Another Tikok userUse a dishwasherAnd hot water to clean a stinking thermos bottle. Let the mixture work all night!

@unfinishedthought244How to clean a thermos bottle inside?? There is a VERY simple solution to get your flask bright and fresh like the day you bought it:)#smell #dirty #hack #LifeHack #cleaning #cantine #hiking #camping #campinglife #grime ♬ original sound – Unfinished Thought

Read too:Really ventilate in winter: ensure good air and avoid mold formation!

Cover picture: New Africa/ Shutterstock