Cleaning the oven with dishwasher tablets: Dishwasher tablets are so effective and easy to use!

Hardly any other household appliance is as reluctant to clean as the oven. It's no wonder considering how stubborn the dirt can be, not to mention how difficult it is to access and all the nooks and crannies. Using caustic cleaning products with their harmful fumes isn't exactly pleasant either, so every housewife (and househusband) is desperately looking for effective and less harmful options to clean a heavily soiled oven. The tabs for dishwashers prove to be real miracle cures outside of their intended area of ​​use. But can you clean the oven with dishwasher tabs? We clarify.

Is using dishwasher tablets really effective?

If you clean your oven regularly after use, you can prevent stubborn dirt such as burnt food. But if you've neglected it for a while, or if something has spilled over while cooking, you'll have the salad and have to look for an effective cleaning method. And the tabs for dishwashers actually area wonderful remedyand has almost become a home remedy for cleaning the oven. But why are these rather inconspicuous tabs so effective?

The tablets contain so-called surfactants. These have the property of dissolving fats well. The dirt itself is then removed by the phosphates it contains and various enzymes. So the combination of these ingredients works like a miracle cure when you want to clean burnt ovens.

Cleaning the oven with dishwasher tablets – how does it work?

But how do you clean an oven withDishwasher tabs? Apply them like this:

Variant 1: Direct use of the tabs

  • Soak the oven walls

For this purpose, you can, for example, place hot water in an ovenproof bowl in the oven while it is still hot after use (or let it get hot with water specifically for cleaning). So let the whole thing soak for about 10 minutesloosening the dirtto simplify afterwards.

  • Clean the oven with dishwasher tabs

The oven walls should now be warm and moist. Then take a tab (we recommend using gloves as it creates a lye that attacks the skin) and rub it thoroughly on all the walls and floor (don't forget to clean the oven rails too). You can also use it to clean the oven glass.

  • Let it work

Give the product enough time to work and dissolve grease and dirt. You should allow a few hours for this. If the dirt is not too severe, you can simply rub the oven walls several times instead (until the tab is used up) and then continue with the next step immediately afterwards.

  • How do I clean my oven: Wipe off any dirt

During this time, the dirt should have dissolved so that you can (and should) easily wipe it off. If something is particularly badly burned, it may also be necessary to scrub it again (if you have a coated oven, please do not use abrasive agents or sponges to avoid scratching the coating).

Variant 2: Make a solution the evening before

If you have decided to clean the oven the following day, you can simply prepare a lye solution that you can then use for this purpose. Simply rub the walls, let it work and then wipe it off.

This solution is also ideal for themto use for the oven rackas well as for rails that can be removed. To do this, put the lye in a suitable container and immerse the rack or oven rails in it. Let the whole thing soak for a sufficient amount of time. You can also scrub with a sponge (and gloves!) while the oven rack is in the suds. Then rinse it under running water.

Also read:Clean the entire oven with dishwashing liquid: Here's how