Removing candle wax from carpet: How to get your carpet clean again!

The most convenient way to create a warm Christmas atmosphere is to light candles, but accidents can happen. Knowing how to remove candle wax from carpet can help you keep your floors nice and clean.

To help you remove wax from carpets and rugs, we've compiled the best methods. Keep scrolling to find out how you can get your carpet sparkling clean again!

Act quickly

Foto: New Africa/ Shutterstock

Candle wax stains can usually be removed with a quick treatment. You should act quickly before the wax sets and becomes more difficult to remove.

Allow wax to cool

You should let the wax cool first. When it has cooled and hardened, you can gently scrape it with a dull knife or credit card for the easiest way to remove it. Be careful not to scratch or damage the surface with sharp objects.

Foto: Kristini/ Shutterstock

To begin cleaning the wax, scrape off any bits that have solidified. At this point you should have removed most of the dried wax. To remove wax residue, vacuum up the loose wax with a vacuum cleaner.

Use iron

Using an iron, we can now extract the remaining wax from the carpet strands by penetrating their core. After soaking a white cotton towel, place it over the wax. Place an iron over the cloth on high heat for ten seconds. The heat pulls the wax out of the carpet and onto the cloth. Continue this process until all wax has been removed. You may need to hold the iron firmly in place for up to 30 seconds.

It's very likely that the heat from the iron will also dry out the towel you're using. In this case, simply wet it again and continue your work. If the carpet is too covered in wax for the towel to handle, simply grab another cloth and continue cleaning.

Foto: Aquarius Studio/ Shutterstock

It is likely that the wax will leave a noticeable stain,especially on carpetswith lighter colors. This is where the powerful carpet stain remover comes into play. Using a white towel dampened with a little rubbing alcohol, you can gently wipe away colored candle wax stains until they disappear. Avoid rubbing the solution into the carpet as this could damage the delicate fibers. The carpet will look slightly darker until it is completely dry, so blot it with a clean, white cloth and then allow it to air dry. It may take more than one cleaning to remove a very deep stain. To restore the original structure of the carpet after drying, simply run the vacuum cleaner over the affected area. Voila! Your next Christmas party will be a complete success.


Before you put the hairdryer on high heat, lay out some paper towels to catch the wax. The paper towel will gradually absorb some of the wax. Replace the old paper towel with a new one if it becomes saturated with wax.

Ice cubes for removing wax

This is a clever trick for removing wax: just use ice cubes. Cover the wax stains with an ice cube bag for 10 minutes, then scrape off the wax with a dull knife or credit card.

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Vinegar as an aid

Apply white vinegar to a damp cloth and dab it onto the wax. Oversaturating the carpet can cause damage, so be careful not to apply too much. After removing the wax, blot the area with a clean towel to remove any residue.

Plastic bag and spoon

For another type of cleaning, you can use a plastic bag and a spoon: place the bag over the wax, then press down on it with the spoon. When the wax comes into contact with the heat of your hand, it melts and sticks to the plastic bag. Properly dispose of the wax once it has gone into the bag.

Remove candle wax from carpet with baking soda

Foto: Pixel-Shot/ Shutterstock

Sprinkle baking soda over the wax, then gently scrub the carpet with a brush or cloth. This makes the wax easier to remove and any residue is vacuumed up.

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