Carpet smells musty: you can freshen it up with vodka, dried herbs and other home remedies!

No matter how hard you try to ignore it, a musty carpet can be hard to miss. But this is not only a distraction, it is also a health risk for you and everyone in the house that can cause significant problems. If the cleaning process is delayed for too long, the damage will continue to spread and may even result in the carpet needing to be replaced. The positive thing is that it is relatively easy to remove an unpleasant carpet smell. Does your carpet smell musty? Then discover helpful tips that really work on how to deodorize and refresh it!

Remove odors from carpet with home remedies

New carpet smells musty: use baking soda

Baking soda is a staple for most people. It absorbs both liquids and odors very effectively. So if you notice a subtle smell in your carpet,reach for baking powder.

Sprinkle a generous amount of baking soda over the entire carpet. Leave the powder on for a few hours if the smell is only slight. However, if the smell is stronger, you may need to leave it on overnight. After the time is up, vacuum the carpet thoroughly to remove the powder. Then empty the bag or container. Be careful because the small particles can destroy your vacuum cleaner filter, so read the instruction manual first.

Carpet smells musty after cleaning - vinegar helps

If you have water in your carpet, you should vacuum it up first. Once the area is dry, mix 500ml warm water with 250ml white vinegar and lightly spray the carpet. The strong acid inVinegar dissolves the odor-causing compoundsand destroys them finally. When the carpet dries, the vinegar smell will disappear, leaving nothing but freshness behind.

Danger:If you get the carpet too wet when treating it, you will only create a different type of mold problem.

Hydrogen peroxide against the musty smell

Use hydrogen peroxide to remove the moldy smell. Although vinegar and baking soda are one of the best methods for removing odors, sometimes you need something stronger. Add five parts water to one part hydrogen peroxide in a spray bottle and spray the carpet. Then lift it up and spray the underside too.Leave the remedythen leave it on for a few more hours so that it can neutralize the smell.

Neutralize carpet odors with vodka

Not only can you make delicious, cosmopolitan cocktails with vodka, it is also an excellent stain remover. After treating a stain, you can spray some vodka on it to further remove color and odor. Let the vodka sit for up to 15 minutes. Blot the stain with paper towels. You can also apply some baking soda to remove moisture. Vacuum the carpet once you're done.

Add some essential oil

If you've tried just baking soda but want to add a fresh scent, you canMix in some essential oil. The scent of these oils is strong, making them great for deodorization. For this method, you can choose any of your favorite oils. However, it is important to consider how the scent will affect your home and your family members. For example, strong scents such as cinnamon and peppermint can be unpleasant for dogs. On the other hand, citrus scents are toxic to cats.

Lemon, grapefruit and lavender are some of the favorite oils that bring a fresh scent to the carpet and home. Mix 400g of baking soda with 15 drops of essential oil in a container. Shake the container well to mix everything thoroughly. Then sprinkle a generous amount over the entire carpet. Again, if the smell is only slight, leave the powder on for an hour. If the smell is strong, you can leave it on overnight. Vacuum the carpet thoroughly to complete the job.

Carpet smells musty: deodorize with herbs

This method works effectively and gives the carpet a lovely scent of your choice. All you need is 100g of baking soda and a teaspoon of your favorite dried herbs. Rosemary or cinnamon are very popular for this recipe, but you can also use lavender, for example. You don't need to buy a specific herb. If you have one in the pantry that you like, use it. You can chop the herb in a food processor. This allows the scent to spread better, as many herbs and spices release their scent when crushed.

Mix the ingredients in a small container, such as a shaker. Scatter the mixture onto the carpet, but avoid forming a pile. Stacking the powder will not make the effect better. Then you just waste the goods. Let the mixture sit on the carpet for an hour and then use the vacuum cleaner.