Tidying up your closet according to Marie Kondo: This system will change your life!

Marie Kondo needs no introduction, almost everyone has heard of the famous Japanese woman and her tidying method. The charming tidying expert has taught millions of people the Japanese art of tidying and organizing! Try the “Konmari Method” which works wonders even in the most hopeless cases.

The essence of the Konmari method is that any item (not necessarily clothes, in general everything) in your home should bring you real and sincere joy. If the item does not cause positive emotions and does not have a functional need (let's say, a set of screwdrivers may not make you happy, but it is used almost every time there is a need to repair something in the house), then such a “joyless” thing has no space in your house.

You need to check things in a certain order for such an emotional reaction (Joy Check) to save time and nerves. Clothes come first on the list, then come books, documents, various other items, and finally those to which you are emotionally attached (e.g. memorabilia, photos, etc.).

It's not for nothing that Marie Kondo says that you start with thatClean out the wardrobeshould begin. So roll up your sleeves and take the first step towards perfect order!

Step 1. Empty all cupboards and dressers!

The KonMari method involves removing all of the clothing items you own.clear out and re-sort all at once. Absolutely everything – from underwear to down jackets. Check every wardrobe, dresser, shelf and corner of the apartment and try not to forget anything. Collect every single item of clothing from around the house in one place. This process is very personal and it is better to do it alone. Marie also advises starting sorting as early as possible in order to complete this task in one day.

Step 2. Get rid of everything unnecessary!

Now, following this method, it is necessary to “test” each piece of clothing for positive emotions. You have to pick up each piece and consider whether it brings you joy or not. This is how we determine what stays and what should go. Instead of focusing on what you need to get rid of, focus on what you want to keep. Then only things will remain in your wardrobe that create some kind of joy.

Of course, deciding on some clothing items can be difficult. A classic trench coat may not bring real joy if you associate it with rain. In this case, Marie recommends asking yourself: Would I ever wear this again? If so, he stays. If you doubt even for a second, definitely throw the item away.

Marie Kondo writes that when doing this test, people typically get rid of a quarter or even a third of their wardrobe. Put all unnecessary clothing into bags (baskets, boxes) to give away, recycle or throw away.

Step 3. Fold clothes correctly and store them upright

Once you've sorted the clothes into two piles, you'll need to fold and sort everything you want to keep. Each piece of clothing needs to be folded into a small rectangle or rolled into a sushi roll. The goal is to store the folded clothes standing up rather than in horizontal stacks. Marie Kondo believes that hanging on hangers is necessary only for things that cannot otherwise be folded into a package - for example, jackets, dresses, coats, skirts, items made of delicate fabrics.

There are two advantages to such a system: firstly, you can easily find what you need since it is visible, and secondly, if you take out one thing, the rest will remain in its original position. You may be wondering whether clothes stored this way will wrinkle. Actually not. When folded vertically, fabrics actually wrinkle much less than usual.

With the help of the following drawings you can learn different folding techniques, how to fold T-shirts, sweaters, pants, etc. using the KonMari method. The goal is very simple: the folded rectangle, which appears like a small package, must be able to stand upright. Place it on the table - if it doesn't tip over, the test is passed. This way the package won't fall apart when it's in a box orin a dresseris stored. If it falls apart, we return to the starting point and try again.

Also that oneunderweara lot of attention is paid. Panties and bras should be stored separately. In her practice, Konmari has had to see socks rolled into a ball or tights tied into a knot more than once, and every time it makes her sad.

It sounds a bit funny, of course, but this approach perfectly illustrates Japanese philosophy about the world. The clothes you put on, and even small things like socks, need to be treated with respect so that the emotions they convey to you are appreciated.

“By folding your clothes correctly, you express your love, care and gratitude to her,” writes Marie, and it’s hard to argue with that.

Now you can organize your clothes in drawers or boxes so that they are clear and within easy reach. You can either buy a few useful organizers or improvise with household items, such as plastic dividers, shoe or paper boxes, plastic baskets, etc. The essence of tidying up your closet is to appreciate the things you own and try to organize yours Making your relationship with them special.Deciding where to keep something means giving it a home.

It is also important to note that the height of a rectangle or roll should not exceed the height of the wall of the drawer or box intended for the clothes.

Step 4. Hang clothes correctly

Clothing made from thick materials such as jackets, suits and coats should be stored on a hanger, as should items that are difficult to fold into a package such as men's shirts or chiffon blouses.

The main rule is to hang clothes of the same category next to each other - coats with coats, suits with suits, blazers with jackets, etc.

Also, Marie Kondo offers an unusual trick: arrange the clothes in the wardrobe so that you see the line that their ends form asascending from left to rightperceive. Marie writes that clothes sorted in this way will fill your home with positive energy and exude an extraordinary feeling of lightness and comfort.

Therefore, longer pieces made of heavier fabrics or in dark colors should be hung on the left side. As you turn your gaze to the right, the length of clothing should become smaller, fabrics thinner, and colors brighter.

As Marie herself writes, many doubt that paying attention to these little things can change anything, but she suggests at least trying to be convinced of the magic of her method.

ForTies, belts, scarvesadapt a special hanger or place them in rolls in a drawer.
One way to store your ties is to hang them. You can use a special tie hanger, a regular clothes hanger, or a holder on the inside of your closet door. Another option is to roll them up and place them face up in a drawer.

Put those awayHandbagsusing the bag-in-bag method. Marie Kondo recommends storing handbags inside each other, having previously divided them according to purpose and material. Cloth bags can also be folded into a rectangle and stored upright in a box.

A wardrobe that creates joy!

Last but not least, a few tips fromMarie Kondo for storageof clothes in the closet and dresser:
– When returning clothes to the closet, it is better to start with the items that will be hung on hangers. If they don't fit, some of them can be folded.
– The top shelf is perfect for storing seasonal and rarely used items such as Christmas decorations, bags, hats and items of sentimental value.
– If more than one person is using the closet, you will need to allocate an individual space for it.
– Transparent storage boxes are very practical for use on shelves.

– Put the lightest items in the top drawer of the dresser or wardrobe and the heaviest items in the bottom drawer. So the tops are stored in the top drawers, the pants and skirts in the bottom drawers. Likewise, lightweight materials like cotton should be stored in the top drawers and thick, dense materials like wool should be stored in the bottom drawers. If you apply this principle, you will have an “ascending” row of drawers, which, together with the principle of hanging clothes from left to right “ascending”, creates an ideal storage system that exudes joy.
– Sort clothes by color so you can see what's where at a glance while also understanding the color trend of your wardrobe. Dark items should be placed at the back of the drawer and light items at the front.
– The main rule is 90% fullness. The drawers and boxes should look full, but not be full.

When you clean out your closet, think aboutthe Japanese bento lunch boxes.The lunch box is a traditional part of Japanese culture and no other culture in the world takes this food as seriously as the Japanese. The appearance of the bento is very important and the colorful products are exquisitely arranged in small compartments. Every year, people invent countless bento dinner recipes, and Japan has a national bento competition. Bento embodies the unique Japanese aesthetic of storage space. Key concepts are color separation, presentation beauty and compactness. Folding clothes in a box or drawer follows the same principles as packing a bento box.