Fold clothes to save space: With these tips and tricks you will maximize your wardrobe

How to fold clothes to save closet space? Don't make the mistake of thinking that these little things don't matter! It's about making your daily life easier, reducing stress and streamlining your time. To organize your own closet and maximize storage space, you only need a fewTips and tricksHow to fold clothes to save space. In this article we will introduce you to these techniques and go into each individual item of clothing.

Folding clothes to save space – this is how you can fold T-shirts optimally

How you do yoursFold clothes to save spacecan – even scientists have dealt with this topic. And they have discovered the most efficient method especially for T-shirts. The technology is part of a research project in which robots were programmed to fold clothes in the most economical way.

  1. Lay the T-shirt flat and fold one arm inward at the armpit seam.
  2. On the same side, fold the length of the t-shirt toward the middle.
  3. Repeat step 1 on the opposite side.
  4. Repeat step 2 on the opposite side. Your shirt should now be a rectangle.
  5. Take the folded shirt and bring the bottom up, reducing the size by half.
  6. Flatten your small t-shirt square and place it in your drawer or on a shelf.

Tipp:For t-shirts with logos or designs (like concert t-shirts), start folding with the printed side down. This way, once folded, the design will face up, making it easier to find a specific t-shirt without having to unfold each t-shirt.

This way you can store your shirts neatly in the drawers

You might be tempted to hang your shirts, but folding them to store them neatly in the drawers will not only save you valuable closet space, but will also prevent wrinkles.

  1. The first step to folding your shirt effectively is to button it. Also, don't be lazy and just press a few keys. For this method to work, your shirt must be fully buttoned from hem to collar. 2.
  2. When preparing your shirt for folding, you should place it on a flat surface. A free bench or even the floor is suitable for this. If you try to fold your shirt on an uneven surface, such as a bed or couch, you will not get the right result.
  3. Once the shirt is prepped and ready to fold, you're ready to begin. Start with the shoulders of the shirt. Start by focusing on one sleeve, fold the shirt along the crease where the shoulder connects to the rest of the fabric. Make sure the sleeve is straight. By folding, the sleeve should lie diagonally across the back of the shirt. From there, fold the sleeve at the elbow so that the cuff of the shirt faces the collar. Repeat the process with the other sleeve.
  4. Grab the bottom hem and fold the bottom third of the shirt up.
  5. Fold the shirt again so that the folded part reaches the top of the shoulders.
  6. Turn your folded shirt over.

With this folding technique, your sweaters will never wrinkle

Bulky, heavy sweaters should never be hung on a hanger. To prevent such sweaters from becoming sagging and out of shape, fold them as shown.

  1. Lay the sweater face down and fold the sleeve toward the center of the sweater.
  2. Repeat the process on the other side.
  3. Bring the bottom hem up and fold the sweater in half.
  4. Turn the folded sweater over and store it on a closet shelf or drawer.

Fold clothes to save space - How to keep your pants wrinkle-free

Now that your tops are folded and tucked away, let's talk about the bottoms. It's easy to fold pants to keep them wrinkle-free. Pants may be too bulky for a drawer, but if you have a shelf in your closet, that's the perfect place to store jeans. Here is a successful folding formula:

  1. Lay your pants flat and smooth out the wrinkles.
  2. Make sure the zippers and buttons are closed (this makes it easier to fold the pants).
  3. Fold the pants in half lengthwise, tucking the crotch inward to create a long line. Then fold the pants in half widthwise.
  4. Fold the pants into thirds and store them vertically in a drawer, or fold them again widthwise and stack them on a shelf.

Organize underwear to save space

You may be thinking – “Who folds underwear anyway?”, but consider this, if you store your underwear neatly, it will be easier to find the pair you want without messing up the entire drawer. Even better: you save valuable space in the drawer.

Women's underwear: Always start with the underwear on a flat surface. Fold the women's underwear in half by placing either the right or left edge on the opposite edge. Repeat the process, then fold in half from top to bottom.

Men's underwear: Fold the men's briefs into three parts by bringing one side to the center and then repeating the process for the other side. Place half together from top to bottom.

More tips on how to organize your closet,can be found here!