Knowing the most effective way to clean a mattress will certainly help you sleep better at night. Mattresses are full of dead skin cells, sweat, stains, dust mites and all sorts of other fluids. Allergens and animal hair are also abundant in it as they are found in most households. Therefore, appropriate cleaning of the mattress is usually essential. Despiteclean bed linenand mattress toppers, it is therefore necessary to clean your sleeping bed regularly. Typically this should be done at least once every six months if you sleep on it every night. Follow these steps and rest knowing your bed has received the hygiene it needs.
Use natural products and clean your own mattress
Although most people use them every day, they show little care for their sleeping mattresses and rarely clean them in the right way. However, just like you wash your bedding regularly, you should also clean your mattress. However, just running a vacuum cleaner over it every now and then is not always enough to complete this household task. While you're probably aware of the dust mites and other critters that like to call your mattress home, you're also probably aware that in addition to mold, it can also contain urine and blood stains.
Before you start cleaning, you should take out your bedding and wash it. However, it would be better to wash and dry your mattress topper first. Then, put your sheets on before finally washing your bedspread or duvet. Check the hottest water and dry heat for your bedding, as heat kills dust mites and gets rid of bed bugs that may have infested your mattress. Research also suggests that eucalyptus and clove essential oils help eliminate dust mites. So, to get rid of dust mites on your sheets, you can add essential oil to your laundry. You can also add the two oils to a liter of water and pour into a spray bottle to spray the mattress and get rid of dust mites in the fabric.
Materials and home remedies for cleaning sleeping mattresses
After removing the bedding from your sleeping bed, the next step is to vacuum the mattress. Using your vacuum's upholstery attachment, start on the surface and work your way down. Use narrow, overlapping paths. Make sure you also vacuum the sides of your bed in the same way. While you may not notice your own body odor, your sweat can build up in your mattress over time.
To your bed from theseto get rid of unpleasant smells, you can deodorize the mattress using natural ingredients you probably already have in your pantry. What else you could use when cleaning your mattress are bowl, small sieve, clean cloths and/or towels, spray bottle, hair dryer (optional). The home remedies that are suitable for this are baking soda, lavender essential oil, salt, 3 percent hydrogen peroxide, a few drops of liquid dishwashing liquid, white wine vinegar and water.
Cleaning a foam mattress is a little different than cleaning a standard mattress. Powdered cleaners are often the best way to clean foam mattresses, as excess liquid is bad for the foam. Water and other substances that seep in sometimes remain trapped and can develop mold and mildew that are difficult to remove. Otherwise, you can follow some simple instructions and steps to complete the task.
- First, strip and toss all bedding from your mattressinto the washing machinewhile you work.
- Then vacuum the top, sides, and under the bed.
- Now lift the mattress and vacuum between the mattress and the box spring base.
- Mix 1 cup of baking soda with a few drops of lavender essential oil in a bowl, then strain the mixture into a strainer.
- Shake the scented baking soda evenly over the entire mattress.
- Leave the baking soda on the bed until your sheets are finished washing and drying, then vacuum it off the mattress.
- Clean stains on the mattress by making a paste of baking soda, salt and water.
- Rub the paste into the stain and leave it on for 30 minutes.
- Then wipe with a damp, clean cloth.
- Remake your bed with clean linens.
How to remove urine and sweat stains from the mattress
Bedwetting is common, while sweat can produce similar yellowish patches. Over time, sleeping mattresses often become discolored and smell musty like sweat. To solve this problem, you can create a cleaning solution yourself. Mix 1 cup of 3 percent hydrogen peroxide, 3 tablespoons of baking soda, and just a few drops of liquid dishwashing detergent. Stir the mixture until the baking soda is dissolved. To soak the mattress with it, pour the mixture into a spray bottle and then spray the entire stained area. Then allow the solution to absorb into the stain. Allow the homemade cleaning solution to air dry for at least an hour. If you want to speed things up, leave a draft near the mattress or use your blow dryer on the cool setting.
Clean blood stains on the mattress
If your mattress is stained with blood, you should treat it as soon as possible following the steps below. Again, prepare a cleaning solution by filling a bowl or spray bottle with 3 percentFill with hydrogen peroxide. Spray or treat the blood stain and then blot it with a clean towel. Repeat spraying and blotting the stain until it is gone. Allow the mattress to air dry or use your hairdryer to speed up the process.
Remove vomit stains
Acting quickly is the key to eliminating vomit odors and stains. To do this, mix a 50/50 solution of water and white vinegar in a spray bottle to again make a cleaning solution. Spray the stained area of the mattress and then blot it with a clean towel. Continue spraying and swabbing until the vomit is gone. Then sprinkle a little baking soda over the treated area. After an hour, vacuum up the baking soda and allow the mattress to air dry.
Further tips for long-term hygiene for mattresses
As mentioned above, you should clean your sleeping mattress at least every six months. However, if you have more time, clean them thoroughly every three monthsclean up. If there is a stain, treat it immediately to avoid hardening. Change the sheets at least once a week to prevent dead skin and its consequences, such as dust mites, from accumulating on the bed.
It's best to also invest in a mattress cover. This will help prevent moisture from penetrating the mattress, which can lead to the development of mold and mildew. You should also regularly use a vacuum cleaner with a HEPA filter on the mattress to suck up mites. Using a crevice tool makes it easier to get into tight spaces. To get rid of odors, first sprinkle baking soda on the mattress and let it sit for ten minutes. Additionally, try to turn your mattress every three months.