Remove moss from the roof: With these remedies you can get rid of moss and lichens in a flash!

If moss is left untreated, the clumpy green stuff can damage almost any roofing material, most commonly wood, but metal and concrete can also be affected. The result is a drastic reduction in the lifespan of the roof. Moss can trap moisture, which can lead to leaks and other problems. We'll tell you how you can remove moss from your roof!

Removing moss from the roof – tips and remedies

By following these simple steps you can remove all the moss and prevent it from growing back.

Get rid of moss, algae and lichens with chlorine bleach

Moss starts out as just a thin, green layer on and between the bricks, but as it grows it lifts the bricks and allows water to seep underneath. It can be recognized by its characteristic, spongy texture. Fortunately, removing moss and lichen from your roof is a fairly simple task that you can do on a regular (seasonal) orcarry out as requiredto maintain the waterproofing and beautiful appearance of your roof.

It's best to remove roof moss on a cloudy day because roof cleaning products should allow 20 to 45 minutes to penetrate the moss and algae. When the sun shines, the products evaporate more quickly. It is also possible to make your own moss remover. Compared to chemical products, homemade cleaning products are generally less toxic. If you want to remove moss, fungus and mold from your roof, you should use chlorine bleach, but you should dilute it first as it could harm your plants. An effective recipe calls for mixing 1 liter of bleach and 4 liters of water together. Avoid cleaners containing ammonia as these products release toxic fumes when combined with bleach.

Home remedies as an alternative – vinegar or dishwashing detergent

You can make a natural roof cleaner using one of the following DIY recipes and store it in a large spray bottle. You need:

  • 250 ml dishwashing liquid and 8 l water
  • 500g powdered oxygen bleach and 8L water
  • 500 – 900 ml white vinegar and 8 l water

Mix the products and pour the solutions into a garden pump sprayer. If you have to climb a ladder and stand, you should invest in a backpack sprayer. Using such a sprayer is safer.

Also read:Remove lichen from stones without harming the environment

Remove moss from the roof - how to clean your roof

Once you've decided on a solution, it's time to put it into action. To remove moss and other debris from your roof, simply proceed step by step and follow the instructions below.

  • Step 1:Brush loose moss from your roof shingles and then rinse them with the garden hose.

Put on non-slip shoes, old clothing, rubber gloves, and safety glasses and carefully position a ladder near the moss growth. A safety rope is another tool you can use for your own safety.

Clean the area with a stream of clean water from a garden hose directed downward. Next, remove the moss from the roof by scrubbing it with a long-handled, soft-bristled brush, working your way down from the tip so as not to damage the tiles (or shingles). Rub the roof gently—do not scrape, scrub, or hammer at it—working in a small section at a time to prevent the tiles from cracking, cracking, or breaking.

Note the following:A pressure washer should not be used on the roof at any time. The powerful jets of water can damage the tiles and loosen the granules that serve as a protective layer for the roof.

  • Step 2:The moss can be removed using a cleaning solution that you can either purchase commercially or make yourself.

As mentioned, there are a variety of commercial cleaning solutions as well as homemade moss control products that will get the job done if your moss problem requires more than just a simple scrubbing. It's important to remember that spray cleaners, whether purchased or homemade, can damage delicate plants and discolor siding, decks, or paths. For this reason, you should cover your work area with plastic sheeting before you begin. Letthe cleaning agentLeave on for 20 to 45 minutes and gently scrub the area with a soft-bristled brush and then wash off with water.

How to remove moss from a flat rooffind out here!

Prevent moss growth on your roof

The good news is that there are preventative measures you can take to stop moss from growing on your roof. Remove moisture traps such as leaves, branches and seedpods that accumulate on the roof and encourage moss growth by trimming any branches hanging over the roof and keeping gutters clear of debris.

Also interesting:Remove green deposits with baking soda: This miracle weapon helps you clean wood, stones, etc.