The days get longer and the spring feelings are used at the same time. The garden calls for us! But after a rainy autumn and winter, your garden and terrace no longer look as beautiful as in summer. You can see green deposits everywhere on wood and stones. Remove the green covering with soda? Yes, that's the best method!
It has never been so easy to remove green coverings from your terrace as with these tips from our article! Now you can prepare your garden furniture and stone slabs for spring.
What is green covering?
Under ideal conditions, unsightly, green growths such as moss, lichen or algae can form on almost any surface. The conditions that favor a rapid development of the green coating include partial shade, high humidity, moisture and longer rainy periods. The best strategy for removing green space - which usually consists of a mixture of algae, moss and/or lichen - is the proactive distance: Most of the time we don't worry about plants such as mosses and algae. They spread aggressively and uncontrollably and form an ugly surface. Since you can make the floor covering dangerously slippery when wet, green deposits should be eliminated. In addition, the surface of the material worsens over time.
Remove green covering with soda on the terrace and balcony
Cleaning stones and stone slabs with green deposits is a tedious but worthwhile task. It is also easier than you might think. In order to remove all green deposits at the same time, we have put together a list of suggestions.
There are a number of ways to eliminate green topping, but soda is best suited because it is inexpensive, works, is easy to use and - what is most important - is neither to be poisonous for animals nor for neighboring plants, flowers or trees. If you also have green covering on your sidewalk or your entrance, try to remove it with soda.
First of all, you should spray the affected areas thoroughly. Make sure to wet all the cracks and gaps of the stones. Then let the water take effect for 2-3 hours. In this way, the soda is better off on the surface and also reaches all hidden corners.
In the next step, you can add the soda to one of three species.
Fine powder
Sprinkle the soda on the surface. Let it go for a few hours. Remove it afterwards and brush off all the residues. If you want, you can also cum to get your stone floor clean.
Make a paste from
Similar to the previous step, just that you make a paste instead of the powder by mixing soda with a little water. Then apply the paste to the green coating. While the powder method can be applied faster and more easily to larger areas, the paste method is better suited for covering, which is located in tight places, for example in cracks in the pavement or between bricks.
Use a spray
Mix 300 g of soda with 4 l of water in a garden sprayer by shaking the container until the ingredients are well mixed. Alternatively, you can also whisk 2 teaspoons of soda and 250 ml of water in a spray bottle to get a smaller amount.
Spray those affected. Let the solution work best overnight and check the next dayTheir terrace floor. If the covering is still present, spray the affected areas again. It may take longer for the covering to be removed. Then scrub the stones slightly to clean them.
Algae,Moss and lichencan quickly colonize the entire terrace if you get stuck to wooden furniture. They also make the wooden floor extremely slippery, which represents a serious security risk for everyone who goes to, including their visitors and family. If you sit on chairs that are covered with green deposits, they become even slippery, which increases the risk of injury. They also affect the appearance of their furniture. Wood surfaces can deteriorate if the green covering remains uncontrolled. The covering can occasionally spread an earthy or musty smell, which causes some people to remove them from their fences. It turns the wood, but also accelerates its decay, so that they have to replace the fence earlier than desired.
If the furniture, the fence or wooden floor is affected by green topping, there are a number of cleaning processes with which you can remove it. To do this, you need a container, gloves, water, a brush, a garden hose and a sponge. First prepare the wood for cleaning.
For wooden furniture: take off the seat cushions of the chairs, remove the covers and wash them in the washing machine. Follow the manufacturer's instructions for washing the fabric, but add 250 ml vinegar to the water.
The best cleaning solution that does not contain chemicals is the combination of soda, water and vinegar. Mix three heaped tablespoons of soda with two parts of water and a part of white vinegar. Scrub the green covering from your furniture, fence, etc. by diving a brush into the liquid. Scrub the furniture with more solution. Connect a hose and rinse the surface and cleaning solution as soon as you have removed all stains. Let your furniture dry outdoors in the sun. If you want to prevent the legs of your chairs and tables from getting wet too long, you can use bricks as supports.
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