Garbage can stinks: Efficiently neutralize the smell of garbage with home remedies

Does your garbage can stink? Even if you dispose of the garbage regularly, bad smells can appear and penetrate everywhere. Then it's time to neutralize them naturally.

Odors in the home are not a pleasant topic, but it is really important to combat them. Nobody likes a smelly trash can in the kitchen, especially after you've taken out the trash. Or sitting outside in the summer and smelling the smelly garbage sounds. Many people try to neutralize unwanted odors with air fresheners, but they only mask them and do not dissolve them. Here you will find the best home remedies that you can use effectively if your garbage can stinks.

Garbage can stinks: what can you do about it?

When temperatures rise in summer, it is not uncommon to be able to smell the trash in the trash can from several meters away. It is therefore very important to always pay attention to cleanliness and clean the trash can regularly. However, if it still smells bad, you should take other measures. Luckily, there are effective home remedies and tricks for smelly outdoor trash cans and indoor trash cans that can help you.

Clean the garbage can with vinegar

If you have a smelly trash can, the first thing you should do is make sure the container is cleaned well and any odors trapped in the plastic are removed.

Often used for various cleaning products, vinegar has certain cleaning and disinfecting power and the ability to efficiently remove odors. That's why it also works for cleaning garbage cans and trash cans.

After collecting the trash, spray some vinegar on the walls of the container and wipe them down. Then pour enough vinegar into the trash can to cover the bottom and leave it until the next day. Make sure to leave the lid open and, if possible, place the bin in a sunny location. Then rinse them with clean water.

Absorb liquid residues

After you've cleaned the trash can, it's a good idea to protect it from future odors so that deep cleaning isn't needed frequently.

Line the garbage can with old newspapers that can absorb the liquids and replace them regularly with new ones.

Neutralize odors with baking soda

Baking soda is very efficient when it comes to preventing trash can odors.

Simply sprinkle a light layer of baking soda on the bottom of the plastic trash can before inserting the trash bag. If you have a metal barrel, pour a large amount of baking soda into a coffee filter and close it tightly. This measure is necessary to avoid corrosion. Then place it at the bottom of the trash can so that the home remedy can absorb the odors.

To ensure that the trash can in the house does not release odors during the day, add 70g of baking soda to the trash bag in the morning and you will notice that in the evening when you are supposed to take the trash outside you will no longer notice any odors.

Garbage can stinks: use coffee grounds

A layer of coffee beans or dried coffee grounds at the bottom of your freshly cleaned garbage can gives off the popular scent of freshly brewed coffee while absorbing unpleasant odors. Also sprinkle some coffee grounds over the trash to minimize the smell until it is picked up.

The coffee grounds are also ideal asFertilizer for houseplants.

Dryer sheets against bad smells

Dryer sheets are another great item that can freshen up your trash can. Similar to how they keep your clothes smelling fresh and clean, they can also neutralize common stench. And the best part is that you don't need new cloths to keep the bad smells away.

Simply throw a used drying cloth in the trash can or place two of them under the trash bag, changing them once a week to prevent the odors from returning.

Garbage can stinks: cat litter can help

Did you know that cat litter can also absorb the unpleasant smell of litter? This is an inexpensive and easy way to keep the smell at bay.

Simply sprinkle some cat litter at the bottom of the trash can and change it at the next trash pickup. It keeps moisture and odors away for up to a week. Don't forget to throw something in the trash bag too. There is not much difference between inexpensive and expensive cat litter when you use it for the trash can.