Plastic-free bathroom – How to care for yourself in a sustainable and environmentally friendly way

Simple tips for more sustainability - these are what more and more consumers are looking for who are looking for an environmentally friendly everyday life and, among other things, want to avoid the use of harmful plastic or waste of this type. But when you consider how much the material has taken over our everyday lives, this seems almost impossible. Admittedly, it is a difficult task. But even if you only reduce a certain amount of plastic waste, you have already done something good and are a few steps closer to a sustainable life. We already have a few tips for youplastic-free kitchengiven. Today we're talking about another frequently used room in our apartment, namely the bathroom. Below are some tips for a plastic-free bathroom.

Plastic-free bathroom with bamboo

A quick look at the many products and accessories in the bathroom makes it clear - almost everything is made of plastic. The toothbrush, the hairbrush, cosmetic packaging, yes, even the small cotton swabs contain it. How do you replace all of these things with environmentally friendly alternatives? Did you know that there are bamboo versions of a number of these everyday products? For example, you can use a bamboo toothbrush and even banish the plastic cotton swabs from the bathroom and use bamboo (or even stainless steel) ones instead. This also applies to the hairbrush or comb, which can also be made of a different wood and is considered more beneficial for the hair anyway, and also to the razor.

Plastic-free cosmetics

It's not just women who consume a lot of plastic because of their cosmetics. Of course, men also use cosmetics, be it creams, shaving foam or shower gel or shampoo. Everything is packaged or bottled in plastic packaging and foil. So if you want to be plastic-free in the bathroom, something needs to be changed here. But how do you achieve a plastic-free bathroom in this regard?

On the one hand, you can replace your shower gel and shampoo with soap and hair soap. Aren't these also packaged, you're probably wondering? Yes, they are, but soaps often use paper packaging, which is more environmentally friendly. You can make purchased hair care products such as treatments and masks yourself. There are numerous and easy recipes online that you can make yourself and for every hair type. The same goes for skin care products too.

Instead of shaving foam, gel etc., soap is again suitable - this time shaving soap. Alternatively, you can also use so-called shaving oil or simple coconut oil, which you can fill in special shops (unpackaged shops) in reusable containers that you bring with you.

Plastic-free bathroom – microplastics in cosmetics

If you want to live plastic-free, it's not just the packaging that plays a role. Many products contain so-called microplastics, which can enter our body when applied to the skin or orally and cause long-term damage. It then enters the environment via wastewater. That's why it's worth taking a look at the label when choosing cosmetic products. Even plastic-free toothpaste is not a given.

For example, choose a peeling that contains natural products with a peeling effect such as salts, sand or corn instead of those with polyethylene. Or better yet, make it yourself!

Plastic-free bathroom thanks to the unpackaged store

And the unpackaged store is a great keyword when it comes to a plastic-free bathroom and in generalto live plastic-free. Take glass or metal containers with you and have them filled with the desired product on site. Do you just not like soap and would like to continue using shower gel and shampoo? No problem, because everything is also offered in such shops. And these are even available online – perfect not just in Corona times!

If you browse through a shop like this, you will first of all become aware of everything in our bathroom that is actually made of plastic - pumice stone, washing sponge, nail brush and even the shelves for soap. So many little things that we don't really notice anymore. With the help of the product selection in the shop, you can gradually achieve a plastic-free bathroom.

Plastic-free bathroom without chemical cleaning products

If you think that you can only get rid of all the microbes in the bathroom with the help of aggressive cleaning products that are full of harmful chemicals, harm the environment and are packaged in plastic, you are wrong. Natural products such as vinegar or citric acid are also true all-rounders when it comes to bathroom cleaning and are perfect for a plastic-free bathroom. You can combine soda and citric acid to clean the toilet bowl, while a vinegar solution disinfects and is ideal in the fight against annoying limescale (of course, these products are also best purchased from an unpackaged store).

Use plastic-free toilet paper

As already mentioned, plastic in the bathroom is mainly caused by packaging. Of course, this also applies to toilet paper. In addition, many trees are cut down for production, usually in distant countries in South America. The transport here and the complex manufacturing process in turn result in high CO2 emissions and energy consumption. In many ways, toilet paper is anything but sustainable and environmentally friendly. While you can replace kitchen paper in the kitchen with reusable bamboo paper or a simple cloth, toilet paper is of course anything but suitable for reuse. So how do you maintain a sustainable and plastic-free bathroom?

Here too isBamboo is the solution. Although it has also been transported for a long time, it grows quickly, does not die after being cut down and is free of pesticides and other chemical agents. To solve the problem of plastic packaging, it's best to get it again from an unpackaged store near you or online. A product that is true to all of this is that of the Smooth Panda brand - thanks to the lack of plastic packaging, you get just the right product for a plastic-free bathroom.

Alternatives without waste

Nevertheless, the paper ends up back down the drain and if you want to avoid this, you can use the old-fashioned washcloth. These can be collected in a bucket and then just need to be rinsed and washed in the washing machine at a high temperature. For many people this doesn't sound very pleasant at first, but in the end it is far more hygienic and cleaner than toilet paper. Other alternatives are the so-called butt shower (or the normal shower), which is also widespread in Asia, or the bidet.

Bathroom without plastic – what to do with the waste?

You can have care and cleaning products filled in reusable or plastic-free containers, so far so good. But what about the apostasy that comes willy-nilly? After all, the usual garbage bag is also made of plastic. If you want to use plastic-free garbage bags, the solution is bags made of organic plastic. Like right now? Plastic, but organic? How does that work? These are 100% biodegradable garbage bags made from corn starch and are no less durable than traditional ones made from foil. So next time you're shopping plastic-free, think about this practical alternative to create a plastic-free bathroom.

Plastic-free bathroom – goodbye to packaged cotton pads!

And while we're on the topic of waste: Something that fills the bathroom trash can quickly and reliably, especially for women, are cotton pads. Well, they're not made of plastic (apart from the packaging), but honestly, does all of this have to be garbage? For a sustainable and plastic-free bathroom, we recommend reusable cosmetic pads. These are made of terry cloth fabric, which is made from bamboo, cotton, but also polyester.

Basically, they are small washcloths that can be washed in the washing machine as normal. Or how about simply crocheting make-up removal pads yourself? There are simple instructions online that even beginners can do. We would also like to mention the good old washcloth. Because with its help you can remove any dirt from your face and neck without collecting unnecessary waste in the bucket. And since you don't have to constantly buy new and packaged products, washcloths are a great way to avoid plastic in the bathroom. As an alternative to tampons and sanitary pads, so-called menstrual cups are becoming increasingly popular.

Plastic-free for detergent

It's in many apartmentsWashing machine in the bathroomand is therefore part of the things you should pay attention to if you want a plastic-free bathroom. This primarily refers to detergents and fabric softeners. Place emphasis on natural ingredients and buy bottled detergent to maintain a plastic-free bathroom in this respect too. For liquid detergent, you can use bottles made from recycled plastic, which is 100% recyclable even if disposed of again. But glass bottles or those made of metal are even better.

Plastic-free bathroom with the right bath toys

Honestly, would you have thought of that?Your children's bath toysthought while transforming your bathroom into a plastic-free zone? Surely you would have noticed it at some point, but the bath toy wouldn't have been really high on the list, would it? But you can't stop your child from having fun while bathing just because you want to live plastic-free in the bathroom! You don't have to, because there are natural alternatives that meet your desire to create a plastic-free bathroom. Natural rubber and wood are the materials you can choose. Just search the internet. You will find a huge selection on Amazon alone.

Plastic-free bathroom not completely possible

Although you are taking a really big step towards a more sustainable bathroom with the variants mentioned, there will still be things made of plastic in this room that simply cannot be replaced and therefore do not enable a 100% plastic-free bathroom. This includes some hair styling products, but also the shower curtain. However, you can avoid the latter if you shower while sitting in the tub. If you can't do without a curtain at all, it's best to use products that are low in pollutants and PVC.

If necessary, don't be afraid to use plastic packaging to permanently store your care and hygiene products. The fact that you are reusing this packaging over and over again for a long period of time is also a sustainable way of life. At least you don't throw every container in the trash as soon as it's empty. Always keep in mind that even the smallest change on your part can have a lasting,Zero Wasteand plastic-free bathroom is an advantage.