Children and toys are like bad luck - wherever the child goes, at least one toy comes with it. And of course this is exposed to all sorts of dirt. It is completely normal for bacteria and viruses to settle on the toys. From one child's mouth to the other, in the sandpit or - oops - just dropped on the floor when getting out of the car, sooner or later you have to clean every toy. And even if this doesn't seem to be a problem with easy-care plastic, stuffed animals and wooden toys make it a little more difficult for us. In addition, you must not use chemical cleaning agents. So, depending on the material, how should you proceed with cleaning and how can you disinfect toys? We'll explain it to you!
Clean plastic toys
Let's start with the easy-care toys, namelythose made of plastic. There you don't have to worry about ruining the material, because plastic can withstand a lot. Regardless of whether you want to wash Playmobil, clean Lego toys or clean other plastic toys, you should still avoid aggressive cleaning agents. On the one hand because they are harmful to children and on the other hand because they could dissolve colors and material. And this is not necessary to kill or remove viruses and bacteria. If the coronavirus pandemic has taught us anything, it's that simple dish soap or soap and warm water are really effective in fighting microbes.
With soap and water
Accordingly, it is sufficient if you clean such toys with a cloth or sponge and warm, soapy water. Wipe the surfaces thoroughly, especially in the corners and edges where dirt accumulates. Then rinse the toys with warm water and let them air dry.
In the dishwasher or washing machine
But especially if you want to clean a whole bunch of toys, washing them by hand doesn't work out so well. After all, as a mother, you still have plenty of other household tasks waiting for you. It has to be quick. In such cases, the washing machine and dishwasher are real household helpers. For thewashing machineyou need bags made of terry cloth or laundry nets. Collect the toys in it and then wash them on a gentle cycle at 40 degrees. You can also add detergent for colored laundry. Be sure to turn off the spin cycle.
Also inDishwashercare must be taken to ensure the correct temperature. It should never be too hot, otherwise you will ruin the toy. And this applies to both the water and the subsequent drying process. It's best to leave the latter out completely. Instead, open the door after washing and let the toys dry on their own. Additionally, when cleaning toys made of plastic in the dishwasher, only use rinse aid.
Clean wooden toys
They are somewhat more demanding to clean because they are more sensitiveWooden toys. Not only because the moisture penetrates the pores of the wood and can deform it, but also because of the paint, which can peel off due to preparations and too much water. So when you clean wooden toys, you should be more careful than when cleaning relatively insensitive plastic. Dishwashers and washing machines are taboo for toys like this!
So, how to clean wooden toys? The good news is that wood naturally defends itself against germs. It has tannins that make it really difficult for bacteria and the like. It is therefore sufficient if you briefly rinse the toys under running water. And it should really be short so that the wood cannot absorb water. However, if the surface is visibly and heavily dirty, you can also scrub a little: moisten a sponge with a little soapy water (or dishwashing liquid), wring it out well and you can clean the toy's surfaces. Then let it dry.
The paint on wooden toys that are used frequently will start to chip off sooner or later. And if you're cleaning used wooden toys anyway, you can check whether any sharper edges have been created and, if necessary, smooth them straight away with sandpaper.
Cleaning toys – the stuffed animals
Dirt collects particularly easily on stuffed toys. Food, saliva and other liquids are absorbed, dry and are therefore particularly stubborn. So if you want to avoid or get rid of bacteria on the cuddly toy, you can't avoid a bath. Whether this type of children's toy can be put in the washing machine depends primarily on the material. The best way to check this is to look at the label. It states whether the stuffed animal can be put in the washing machine and at what temperature or whether it should be washed by hand.
Some materials are not suitable for the washing machine. These include synthetic fibers, wool, alpaca and mohair. The washing process could cause the cuddly toy to lose its fur. So do it gently by hand and with the detergent that you also use for children's clothes. However, if the material allows, this toy can be washed in the washing machine with water and regular detergent. To do this, put it in a laundry net and set it to a gentle wash cycle. They should not be spun or should only be spun at a very slow speed.
You may also be able to use the dryer afterwards. Please note the information on the label. You can prevent the filling cotton from clumping by bringing a bundle of new tennis balls with youput in the dryer.
Either way, you should clean these types of toys relatively often so that cuddly toys do not cause illnesses. But stuffed animals become deformed if they are washed too often. That's why you shouldn't overdo it.
Clean bath animals
Bathtub toys are usually made of rubber. In addition, they have a small hole through which water and all dirt can get inside. And while the outside can be easily cleaned with a soft brush or sponge and detergent or soap, it's the inside that poses a challenge and is therefore the best place for germs to spread. Gather insideSoap residue, limescaleand dirt and turn the toys black. The best way to clean such bath toys is with simple home remedies. We have summarized some of them for you. With them you can easily clean the toy.
Clean bathtub animals with washing soda
When you clean toys byApply washing soda, wear gloves! Dissolve two tablespoons of washing soda in 1.5 liters of boiled water and vacuum it up with the toys (alternatively, you can also fill the bath toys with a syringe). Then let it work for about 10 minutes. Then squeeze the solution back out of the toy. The accumulated dirt also comes out, which can lead to the opening becoming clogged. You can free it again with a needle or other sharp object. You may have to repeat these processes (allowing washing soda to work and squeezing it out) several times. Then rinse the inside several times with clean water to remove any remaining washing soda.
Just as effective at cleaning toys, although not as much as washing soda,is denture cleaner, which you previously dissolve in a glass of water. Fill the toy approximately halfway with the solution and shake it vigorously to loosen any deposits. Since this home remedy does not dissolve internal dirt quite as well as washing soda, you can use it for the second wash cycle after cleaning with washing soda. Vinegar is also suitable for this. With both variants you can also disinfect children's water toys at the same time.
If you want to clean the outside of the toy, for example to remove limescale, you can also use vinegar or citric acid. However, it should be noted that these acids can attack some rubber. It is therefore advisable to test it on a small area before using it to clean the bath animals. In addition, the acids should not remain on the surface for too long, but should be rinsed off as quickly as possible.
Cleaning toys – How to wash dolls?
The beloved dollsare usually made of plastic and more precisely of harder or soft rubber. All you need to do is use soapy water and a sponge to clean the dolls. This will prevent painted faces from being wiped away, as might happen with vinegar. So next time you want to clean the Baby Born, it's best to do it this gentle way. You can also wash such toys in the dishwasher, provided you don't set the temperature too high, as this could ruin the dolls' hair. Depending on the manufacturer's instructions, rag dolls can be put in the washing machine like stuffed animals.
Cleaning baby toy
Baby toysclean in the same way as described above. These are the best ways to prevent bacteria on stuffed animals, wooden and plastic toys. Put the Playmobil in the washing machine or dishwasher, clean the wood surface with just a little water and, depending on the material, cuddly toys in the washing machine or by hand with baby detergent. Since babies still put everything in their mouths, special care must be taken to only use neutral or natural cleaning products or those that are child-friendly.
To disinfect toys or not?
Good hygiene is very important in every respect, especially in the first few months of a baby's life. Of course, this also applies to toys. However, it should not be sterile. So of course you can clean the toy regularly, but don't be too meticulous. A certain amount of germs is necessary so that the child can build a strong immune system. For this reason, you don't need the toys every time you cleanadditionally disinfect. This is only necessary for serious illnesses. As a rule, cleaning once a month is sufficient.