Wash sweaters properly: By hand or in the washing machine, there are a few rules you should pay attention to

Sweaters are a fall and winter wardrobe staple—and you definitely want your investment (especially in cashmere!) to last a long time. However, these plans can go awry if you don't know how to wash your sweater properly. Luckily, that's exactly what you'll learn in this article. Just read on!

Hand washing is usually the safest choice for cleaning natural fibers. If you have stains, pre-treat them before washing. If you overfill the sink, the dirt cannot be removed. If you have one or moreSweater by hand correctlyIf you want to wash, remember that you should allow at least two days for drying.

How often can you wash a sweater?? In general, you should wash a sweater after wearing it two to five times unless it is dirty. The more durable the sweater's fibers are (like wool and synthetic), the less often it should be cleaned.

Pre-treat stains before the washing process

Start by treating stains before washing - sometimes that's all a sweater needs to get it looking fresh again. You can try removing a stain with a tiny amount of stain remover. Remember to blot the solution with a cloth instead of scrubbing with a brush. Rinse the stain thoroughly (repeat if necessary) and then wash as usual.

Fill a plastic tub with cold water (never hot)

Use cold – never hot – water to fill a plastic tub or clean sink. You need to fill the vessel once for washing and then again for rinsing.

Add a small amount of detergent

Use a small amount of mild detergent (about 1/2 teaspoon) or wool detergent, following label directions. If you use too much detergent, you will have a difficult time getting all the suds out. Detergent residue can cause the fibers to feel stiff and scratchy.

Shake with your hand: Put on your rubber gloves and gently squeeze the sweater in the water to make sure it is completely soaked. Do not wring or scrub it as this may cause it to stretch. Allow the sweater to soak in the soapy water for about five minutes.

Rinse and shape the sweater well

Rinse the sweater thoroughly until it is free of detergent. It may take several rinses until the water is clear and foam-free.

Drain water: Remove as much water from your sweater as possible without wringing it out by squeezing it. Support the sweater from underneath as you lay it flat on an absorbent towel.

Absorb excess moisture: Roll the sweater and towel together, squeezing firmly. Then place another dry towel on a flat surface large enough to hold the sweater with your arms outstretched.

Reshape the sweater: Pinch the sweater's ribs together at the neckline, wrists and waist. Allow it to dry for 24 hours. Finally, turn it over onto another dry towel, flatten it into shape again and let it dry for another 24 hours.

How to properly wash sweaters in the washing machine

When machine washing a sweater, it is best to place the garment in a mesh bag to protect it from friction and movement. Also avoid putting the sweater in the washing machine with bulky items such as jeans or towels.

  1. Pre-treat stains:Pre-treat stains on your sweater depending on the type of stain.
  2. Put the sweater in a mesh bag: Protect your sweater by washing it in a mesh bag to prevent it from tearing or tangling.
  3. Set the water temperature to cold:Use cold water. Warmer water causes knitwear to fray, and hot water can cause it to shrink.
  4. Set the cycle:When washing knitwear, choose the gentle cycle or the continuous iron cycle. If you are using a top-loading machine, start the wash cycle and let the water run into the bowl. Add a small amount of detergent to the water before putting the sweater in. If you are using a front-loading machine, add detergent, place the sweater in the machine, and then start the wash cycle.
  5. Skip the spin cycle:Stop the machine before the spin cycle, as this can be hard on your sweater's yarns and the movement can pull them out of shape. To avoid additional stretching, you should carefully remove the sweater from the washing machine.
  6. Soak up excess moisture and let it dry:Follow the same steps for absorbing excess moisture and air drying as you would for hand-washed sweaters.

Washing and caring for cashmere –Find out herehow to do it right!