Spring is finally here and we are all looking forward to the beautiful weather. But with the rising temperatures, unfortunately there can be many unwanted guests in our house and garden. Let's face it - nothing ruins a barbecue evening like wasps and mosquitoes and there's nothing worse than discovering cockroaches in the kitchen in the morning. Pests and bugs are every homeowner's true nightmare and all of us have had to deal with them at least once. However, pests in the home are not only a nuisance, but can also affect our health. No matter how much wepay attention to cleanliness, we've all come across a few of them. But the good news is that with the right tips you can fight the pests. Below we will tell you which home remedies are best for getting rid of vermin from your home!
Pests in the house, garden or apartment can make your life hell. However, in order to protect our own health and our furniture and supplies, we must always act as quickly as possible. Everyone knows what cockroaches, ants or wasps look like. But what should we do when unknown guests have already settled in? In order to successfully get rid of pests, you first have to find out what type of pest they are. And if you can't do this on your own, then you should hire professionalsPest controlclaim. After inspecting the house, the experienced specialists can determine the type of vermin and develop a sustainable strategy to get rid of them once and for all.
Fighting pests: How to get rid of cockroaches in the house
Cockroaches and cockroaches of all kinds are just gross and especially make fun of suppliesin the basementand in the kitchen. Even if we clean our home regularly, it is still no guarantee that we will be safe from an infestation. Since the animals always appear in groups, we have to act as quickly as possible once we have them in the house. Not only are cockroaches difficult to get rid of, but they can also carry pathogens, parasites and worms. Luckily, there are some tried and tested home remedies you can use to combat the pests. Cockroaches can smell theBay leaf and catnipcan't stand it. So just spread a few bay leaves in the places where they have made themselves comfortable. Also withvinegar and pepperthe vermin can be driven out of the apartment. The mixture acts like a barrier that the cockroaches don't like to cross. Cockroaches also love moisture and it is therefore very important to ventilate the kitchen and bathroom regularly and not to leave water in the shower or bathtub.
This is how you can fight wasps
While wasps are important to the ecosystem and environment, they can be quite annoying. By summer at the latest, many people ask themselves how they can fight pests and remove them from the table so that they can enjoy the barbecue evening in the garden undisturbed. A very successful home remedy for wasps that everyone of us has in the house isCoffee powder. Simply put some in a fireproof bowl and light it with a lighter until it starts to smolder. Wasps also cannot stand the smell of basil, garlic, lavender and citrus fruits.To keep the insects away, just put some of the remedies mentioned on the table.
Fight pests and get rid of fruit flies
Put some fruit on the kitchen counter and they'll flock around it - as soon as the warm season begins, the annoying fruit flies will return to our kitchen. The pest rarely comes alone and when it gets nice and warm, it develops into a real mass plague within a few days and can lay up to 400 eggs. To get the problem under control, you should first remove all food that has been infested by the fruit fliesclean the kitchen surfacesand wipe off. The mix ofVinegar, dish soap and wateris a tried and tested means ofto combat pests. To do this, fill a small bowl with apple cider vinegar, 2 drops of dishwashing liquid and a little water and place it next to the fruit basket. The combination of lemons peppered with cloves is a real miracle weapon that not only helps against fruit flies, but can also drive away wasps and mosquitoes in spring.
What helps against ants in the house?
Even though ants are very useful animals that promote the growth of plants, they can often pose a burden on the indoor climate. One ant in the house doesn't cause a problem, but it becomes really difficult when several of them make themselves comfortable in your own four walls. To combat the pests, you must first follow the ant trails and locate the nest. Then spray someVinegaron it or place a small bowl in front of the windows and doors through which the ants enter the apartment. Also the intense scent of some herbs likeSage, lavender, thyme and mintis avoided by the animals. Umto drive away the pests, it would also make sense to seal the leaks in the house and not leave food and pet food out in the open.