Almost all of us know the fear of an insect bite and want to drive away the wasps immediately if there is even one of them nearby. However, it is not always necessary to use a harsh and poisonous wasp spray when you need to get rid of wasps. Most people tend to avoid this insect species at all costs, but it still provides some ecological services. While they can also control some other pests, the insects repel crop-destroying beetles such as grubs, caterpillars and weevils. In this regard, these insects are sometimes so useful that farmers take advantage of them to use as natural pest control for their crops. Wasps even pollinate them. However, there are also a variety of reasons, such as wasp allergy, why you should drive away the insects and keep them away. For this reason, in this article we have put together some remedies against these uninvited guests in the house or garden.
This is how you keep the wasps away from the garden table!
What keeps wasps away and how can you remove a wasp nest yourself, for example? Many people have to deal with these questions and therefore resort to different thingsWasp protection or spray against wasps. If you have any in the apartment, you first need to find out whether there is a wasp nest in the roof. This way you can prevent nest building and if you are driving away bees you can contact a local beekeeper.
Natural home remedies
So what if you need to get rid of or kill the insects and is there for examplenatural home remediesagainst wasp nest? For example, many homeowners rely on remedies to combat wasps in their roller shutters. The pesticides used in a wasp spray are strong enough to poison your pets and therefore pose a risk of death. However, if you decide to use an insect repellent, try to remove the remains after the wasp repellent. You should also use an insecticide in small quantities and only according to the instructions.
Avoid stitches by wearing appropriate clothing colors
After some research, we came across some effective solutions that allow you to get rid of wasps in a natural way. If a nest is in an area that is difficult to access or you are allergic to stings, you should of course seek professional help. In this regard, most experts claim that you need to cover yourself thoroughly with wide clothes to avoid stitches. In addition, the insects should be treated early in the morning when they are still sleepy.
Be careful, these foods attract wasps!
In spring and early summer, wasps are attracted to protein-rich foods. Any food left outside, open trash containers, or exposed compost piles should be removed or covered. The wasps prey on food sources and will continue to search for an area for some time after the food is removed. In late summer and early fall, they turn their attention to sweet foods. Their behavior is also more aggressive.
Open cans of fruit juice, fallen apples under fruit trees, and other sweet food sources will attract wasps. Be sure to cover drinks and open food containers, cover compost, and avoid walking barefoot near fruit trees. Remove any fallen fruit that is rotting on the ground.
The wasp infestation can be a major nuisance, even though the insects are an important part of our ecosystem. During the summer months, getting rid of insects from your home can become a real challenge. It's easier to have onePrevent invasion of waspsthan chasing them away afterwards when they have settled in. To this end, empty and wash your trash cans regularly. Be careful to keep them away from windows and doors so that these and other insects are not attracted to the contents. Also, check your attic for any gaps or holes as this is the best opportunity for them to build a wasp nest in the house. Seal any openings and install insect screens over air bricks.
When they build nests in a birdhouse
Minimize this common problem by lining the under-roof area with aluminum foil. Use a staple gun to attach. Another option is to rub the under-roof area generously with a bar of soap; Ordinary ivory colored soap would be a sufficient option in this case. Treatment with it can provide some protection for an entire season.
First, inspect your home and especially the roof, shed, garage or eaves during the spring months. This allows you to discover small nests that are still golf ball sized and contain fewer insects. You don't necessarily have to kill the queen wasp, but if she starts laying eggs, the task will be more difficult after that. You can also use scented onesUse plants against wasps or mosquitoesto attract them and keep them away from doors and windows.
Use traps if you want to get rid of wasps
There are differing opinions about the effectiveness of using traps to reduce the wasp population in certain areas. This is partly due to the distance they travel in search of food. These flying insects are known to fly 275 to 915 meters from their nest in search of food.
So traps are more useful in small areas. Just because you have wasps in your yard doesn't necessarily mean they are nesting there. In most cases, the insects are looking for food or building material for their wasp nests. However, this makes them unwelcome, especially if you are planning a summer picnic or barbecue there.
In general, the insects avoid human contact and should only be considered a nuisance if they nest near homes or busy areas. They can be solitary or social, and there are even species of wasps that do not sting at all and are therefore not dangerous. The best way to avoid unpleasant encounters with social wasps is to avoid them. If you know where they are, do not attempt to approach their nesting sites.
Insects can become very defensive if their nest is disturbed due to their chemical communication. Wasps and bees release an alarm pheromone that marks their target and prompts the colony to attack. This can happen even when they feel threatened, not just when they are stung or injured as some people believe. Wasps can display their stinger in mid-air and release the alarm pheromone even from a casual swat.
Natural home remedies or wasp spray as options
Wasps are repelled by peppermint. So try diluting a little peppermint oil in water and spraying it where you often go. Another option is to plant peppermint in your own garden to use it as a natural wasp deterrent. You can also deter the small creatures by spraying them with a mixture of white vinegar and water. This is a particularly effective solution.
To make a trap with vinegar, cut the neck off a larger soda bottle, turn it upside down, place it in the bottom of the bottle like a funnel, and staple the two halves together. Poke holes in the two sides of the wasp trap and hang it using threads. Fill the trap with a cup of apple cider vinegar and a drop of dish soap and use the string to add a small piece of raw meat.
Hang the wasp trap where you spotted the insects. If done in early spring, it can trap queen wasps and prevent colonies from forming. Otherwise, there are a variety of fast-acting insecticides that can kill beetles and other small creatures, to surface treatments that prevent loitering.
You can also use it to treat small nests that are easily accessible to eradicate wasps. However, it is important to read and follow the instructions carefully and keep your distance from the wasp nest. Typically, you should let the spray work for 24 hours, or as long as it says on the package, before moving the nest.
Always wear protective clothing, including safety glasses, gloves, and a dust mask when repelling wasps or handling a wasp nest. Check carefully that no body parts remain exposed. You can target even the smallest exposed areas. As mentioned above, the animals are less active in the late evening and early morning. Using pesticides to control wasps can be effective, but these chemicals are harmful to the environment. Careless use of pesticides can also pose risks to the person applying the chemicals.
Destroy an above-ground wasp nest
Wasps are part of nature's design and their nests should generally be left undisturbed. These insects are usually not particularly aggressive and do not pose a serious threat to humans. However, if a wasp nest is too close to the house or in a location that conflicts with human activity, you may need to remove it.
If you know that wasps are nesting nearby but cannot find their location, you may be able to locate the nest by observing flight patterns. A straight line means they are likely on a flight path to or from the nest. Wasps that fly and land directly in one place can enter and exit their home.
Wait until dark before removing the wasp nest. The wasps are sleepy and react slower at night, but you should be careful during the process. Use a headlamp if you have one. Otherwise, try to find a helper to hold a flashlight for you. Filter the flashlight by wrapping the lens with red cellophane or a thin red cloth because they are attracted to yellow light. A headlight with red light would be even better. Step lightly and try not to talk when approaching the nest. Wasps are sensitive to vibrations.
Wasp nests usually hang in sheltered places such as deciduous trees, under house eaves and rafters, or on door windows. Once you've found the nest, there are a number of ways to get rid of them. It is best to spray the wasp nest at dawn or dusk when most of the animals have returned home.
You can also place a cloth bag over the entire nest and quickly close it at the top. Then pull the whole thing free while tying it up at the same time. The bag should be well closed. You can then either soak the bag in a bucket of water or dispose of it somewhere in nature. However, the professionals warn against removing nests in walls or underground yourself, but suggest hiring a professional in these cases.