Removing mold from joints: 6 effective home remedies and preventative measures

Do you have black grout lines in your bathroom or kitchen? You should correct this problem immediately as mold growth can be harmful to your health. Below you will find out how to remove mold from joints and what effective home remedies you can use.

Mold is a common household problem that not only causes unsightly stains on various surfaces, but can also lead to a variety of health problems. Grout lines are a classic place where mold thrives and ruins the appearance of tile floors and walls. If you want to get your bathroom and kitchen sparkling clean again, read on to find out how you can remove mold from grout lines and prevent it in the future.

Removing mold from joints: natural and effective methods

It can be very difficult to remove mold, especially in areas with high humidity and limited airflow. Cleaning the joints often requires a little more effort and the aggressive cleaning agents cause the joints to wear out quickly. Try these practical tips to effectively deal with mold from jointsRemove with home remediesand improve the look of your home.

Grapefruit seed extract is a natural remedy that is an excellent antifungal. In order for it to be really effective, you should make sure that you buy a high-quality, natural product that does not contain glycerin.

If the grout lines are very dirty, first clean them with warm water and a scrub brush. Then mix 20 drops of grapefruit seed extract with 500 ml of water in a spray bottle, shake the solution well and spray all areas where mold has appeared. Let it sit for 15 minutes and brush the area to remove any remaining mold. Don't rinse the area, just let the solution dry on it.

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Remove mold from joints with vinegar

Black grout lines in the bathroom are a common problem because moisture provides the perfect breeding ground for mold. A great, natural cleaning product you can use to remove mold from grout lines is white vinegar.

Mix equal parts water and white vinegar in a spray bottle and spray on the moldy areas. Allow the solution to sit for at least 30 minutes, then scrub the grout lines and rinse with clean water. For best results, repeat the process until you get your grout lines white again.

Also interesting:Remove red mold: How you can fight this mold in the bathroom with home remedies

Mix hydrogen peroxides and baking soda

An insider tip from many professionals when it comes to removing mold from joints is the combination of hydrogen peroxide and baking soda. This inexpensive and simple method is very effective for tile joints.

To do this, use 250 ml of hydrogen peroxide and add 250 g of baking soda, pour the mixture directly onto the mold areas and leave for a few minutes before rinsing the joints with warm water.

Tea tree oil for mold removal

Tea tree oil is another home remedy that fights mold very effectively because of its natural, fungicidal properties.

Mix a teaspoon of tea tree oil with 250 ml of water, pour the solution into a spray bottle and spray on the black grout lines in the bathroom and kitchen. Simply leave the solution on without rinsing and reapply if necessary.

If you use this spray regularly after showering, you can be sure that you will never have to deal with mold again.

Cream of tartar is a magic drug

Did you know that cream of tartar can not only be used for cooking, but also has many other uses in the home? If you mix cream of tartar with vinegar, you can create a very effective, thick paste that removes mold from grout lines.

Apply the paste to the joints with a sponge and leave it on for 10 minutes. Then wipe them with a wet cloth. Repeat the process until you return to the original color of your grout.

Remove mold with salt

Salt is a home remedy that is found in every household and has a surprising effect against mold. You should only lightly moisten the affected joints with a cloth and sprinkle some salt on them. Then scrub the area with an old toothbrush or sponge and leave it overnight. The next morning, rinse the area with clean water.

How can you prevent mold?

Removing mold from grout requires regular cleaning and preventive measures that help maintain a mold-free environment and preserve the aesthetics of the grout.

To prevent mold from forming, wipe the grout lines thoroughly after using moisture in the kitchen or bathroom. Allow them to dry completely.

Take careoptimal humidity.

Use natural remedies such as vinegar and lemon juice that prevent mold growth.

You can find out more about the topic in the bookMold in the house: recognize-prevent-fight, woMichael Köneke explains the risks and damage to health that can be caused by mold.