The biggest energy guzzlers in the household: Unexpected cost traps & how you can reduce your electricity consumption

We are used to having devices at home constantly connected to the power supply. Some of themmustYes, they always have to be connected in order to fulfill their purpose (the refrigerator, for example) and we are well aware that this increases power consumption. But then there are these hidden electricity consumers in the home that drive up costs without us even suspecting it. And since we have been asked to do more for several months due to the gas crisisto save energy(which we should always do for the sake of the environment), among other things, we should find these energy guzzlers in the household and, if possible, turn them off. We have listed a few for you.

Electricity guzzlers in the home: The biggest electricity consumers that you don't know about

The biggest power guzzlers in the home are often the ones we haven't even thought about. And often even small devices that are only used quickly can add up to a good sum. Money that you would certainly rather invest in something nicer than in the energy companies, right? We have listed a selection of household appliances that are among the biggest energy guzzlers, which you can use to reduce your electricity consumption.

A little tip on the side:You can find other electricity guzzlers in the household simply by using an electricity meter.

What uses the most electricity: The heating pump

No matter what fuel you use for heating, if the pump is older, it will use more electricity. It has even been proven that the heating pump is the biggest energy guzzler in the household. Newer models (not older than 10 years) use up to 80 percentless energy for heating, as they do not work around the clock, but only as needed. So you can save a lot of money, especially in the cold season.

Electricity guzzlers in the household – cook energy-savingly

No, you should not stop cooking or reduce it. But you can still reduce the high consumption somewhat by paying attention to a few things. For example, the cookware should always correspond to the size of the stovetop. If the pot is larger, it takes longer to heat up and you use electricity for a longer time. If the pot or pan is too small, a lot of energy is wasted on the side.

Do you often heat water on the stove? Leave it alone from now on and use a kettle for this purpose instead, as it is significantly more economical.

How can I save electricity on my fridge and freezer?

Here we have two big power guzzlers in the household, but you can't get by without them. So it's not possible to exhibit them because they are always in use. For both devices, it makes sense to invest in newer models because they are now significantly more energy efficient than their predecessors. Nevertheless, consumption remains quite high since they work continuously. Therefore, make sure that you never leave the doors open for too long so that the devices do not need a lot of time and energy to equalize the temperatures.

Ideally, both devices should not be placed in direct sunlight or near a stove/oven. In general, a cooler location is better.

Lamps are energy guzzlers in the home

But they don't have to be! Apart from the fact that you can simply turn off the lights when you don't need them (like when watching TV), energy-saving lamps are of course also a wonderful solution. Most households have been using them for a few years, but if you haven't yet replaced your old light bulbs, don't wait any longer. Did you know thatLED lamps are even more economicalwork as energy saving lamps?

Reducing electricity consumption through household appliances – what about washing machines and tumble dryers?

You can set eco programs on your washing machine to save energy, if it has them. Otherwise, washing at lower temperatures (30-40 degrees) is more economical. Clothing that has not become particularly dirty (e.g. everyday clothing) does not need to be washed at higher temperatures. The machines are now good enough to clean normal dirt even at lower temperatures. You can also apply spot cleaner in advance to make it easier on the washing machine. Also, use reliable detergent.

Regarding the dryer, if possible, you don't necessarily have to dry every load of laundry in the dryer. Instead, use the good old clothesline or drying rack and this is especially true in summer. If you don't want to do without the dryer, then at least try to take out the clothes as soon as the program ends, because rotating the drum regularly to avoid creasing also uses electricity.

By the way: The dishwasher is one of the most economical household appliances and, thanks to its valuable help in the household, it doesn't cost more money than if you didn't use it (like the dryer, for example). So you don't have to feel guilty about using it, because apart from the fact that the appliances work more economically these days than they did a few years ago, washing up by hand would take significantly more energy and energyalso waterconsume.Nonetheless: If possible, always switch the dishwasher on when it is fully loaded and without pre-rinsing!

How can you save energy on televisions, computers, printers, etc.?

The standby power consumption of televisions has been significantly reduced in recent years, but this does not apply to older models. And when the television is running, additional energy consumption is added anyway, because the screens are ultimately completely illuminated to form an image.Avoid standby modeIt is also best used on computers and peripheral devices such as printers. In order not to have to constantly switch all devices on and off individually, a multiple socket with a button can be used. And do you actually need the WiFi router overnight? Probably not. That's why you can turn it off, because it is also one of the biggest power guzzlers in the household.