Clean the keyboard: simple tricks to really clean your computer and laptopkeyboard

If you use a computer or laptop every day, you need to know how to clean the keyboard. With the constant touch of the keys, germs or bacteria can be easily transmitted from our fingers. And if you share your keyboard with others, this is not a pleasant thought. Cleaning a keyboard may seem like a annoying duty, but you have to carry it out carefully. The good news is that it is easier than you think and does not take much time at all. Here you can find out how you free a keyboard of dirt and dust.

How can you clean the keyboard easily and quickly?

Your PC keyboard is probably one of the dirtiest things in your apartment. They are not to blame for this - of course everything they touch frequently settles over time. And although keyboards are designed in such a way that they withstand constant use, a sufficient amount of dirt and dirt can harm the buttons and sensors. The idea of ​​cleaning your electronic devices can hunt you. Fortunately, there are many simple ways to clean your keyboard, regardless of which type you have.

Keep your keyboard clean in the first place

Avoid eating over the keyboard so that no crumbs get under the keys. Keep your drinks away to reduce the risk that spilled liquids pollute the device. And keep your laptop closed if you don't use it to avoid dust.

How to clean an external keyboard

If your keyboard is wired, you should first switch off the computer before trying to clean the keyboard. Then pull the plug that connects you to the computer. With wireless keyboards, they always take out the batteries, especially if they plan a deep cleaning of the buttons.

  • Turn the keyboard upside down:The simplest and most obvious step is to turn the keyboard upside down, knock it onto the bottom and to shake out as much dirt as possible. If you use a keyboard with removable button caps, take it off and then shake it out. Tap the underside to ensure that nothing remains on the surface.
  • Brush the dirt out:Use a toothbrush or a discarded baby bottle brush to clean your keyboard by simply leading the brush through the interlocks.
  • Use a vacuum cleaner:The suction power of a vacuum cleaner removes the most stubborn dirt that are between the buttons. If you don't have a vacuum cleaner with a hose, use a normal with a brush attachment. Go across the entire keyboard, whereby you should concentrate particularly on the areas around the keys. Most stubborn dirt are caught there.
  • Clean the buttons with cotton swabs:Famy a cotton swab with isopropyl alcohol very easily so that too much moisture does not get under the keys. Wipe around every single button to remove dust and oil residues as well as other dirt. Repeat this process a few times as required to clean the pages of each button and the area around you. Exchange the swabs when you get dirty. Make sure that the letters, numbers and symbols printed on the keys can be removed by using alcohol.
  • Polish the keyboard:Wipe them off with a lint -free cloth one last time,To remain dustand remove excess moisture.

How to clean your laptop keyboard

The removal of dirt and deposits from your laptopateboard is very easy. Only follow these steps:

  • Switch off the laptop:They do not want to risk moisture into their laptop and leads to a short circuit. And they also want to avoid sending an email accidentally while wiping their keys.
  • Turn it on the head and shake him:As a result, all larger crumbs or dust balls on the keyboard should detach. To make cleaning easier, you should do this over a towel or trash can.
  • Use transparent adhesive tape:Use the sticky page to catch additional pollution. It is also a good idea to put the adhesive tape under the keys and to move it for more thorough cleaning.
  • Clean with disinfection wipes:Use disinfection towels and clean the top of the buttons with a slight pressure of your palm. Remember that you do not want to drink the keyboard with the disinfectant, but only want to clean briefly, and express the towels beforehand to reduce moisture.
  • Use a dry cloth, to remove the last dust and polish your keyboard. Also make sure to let the keyboard dry completely beforeYou your laptopUse again.
  • An additional and optional last step would be to attach a silicone cover above your keyboard to protect it from dirt and deposits in the future. This can also be protected from buried liquids.