They are replenished day after day and accompany us everywhere. The reusable bottles are practical, cost-effective and a great way to reduce plastic production and waste. But how often do we clean them or even think about cleaning them? And even more important: How do we clean our drinking bottles effectively and efficiently? If your eco-friendly water bottle starts smelling funny, that's a sign that it needs a thorough cleaning. Discover helpful tips on how to clean your drinking bottle here!
Clean the drinking bottle – daily care is important
To keep your water bottle functioning optimally, you should wash it every day. If you have a bottle with a screw cap, you're in luck. All you have to do is separate the lid from the bottle and clean both parts in the dishwasher every day. You just have to be careful because the bottle needs to be completely dry. Otherwise it becomes a breeding ground for germs.
Another option is to wash the bottle daily with warm water and dish soap. Use a cloth or brush to remove any slimy buildup on the inside. Rinse the bottle well and dry thoroughly before use.
Bottles with a special cap (e.g. with a straw cap) that you can lift with your finger need a little more attention during the soap and water bath. Use a small bottle brush to clean the hard to reach onesClean corners. Rinse them well and allow them to dry completely - either in the air overnight or by hand with a clean cloth.
Thoroughly clean aluminum, stainless steel or plastic drinking bottles with household products
Remove odors with vinegar
Vinegar is our favorite cleaning product. Use this to clean your water bottle by filling it halfway with equal parts vinegar and water. Put the cap back on and shake the bottle a few times before leaving the solution in the bottle overnight. The next day, rinse both the bottle and lid thoroughly with warm water to remove any vinegar residue. Let them dry. This is a particularly good way to clean a stainless steel water bottle.
Clean the drinking bottle and remove mold with baking soda and bleach
For things that are difficult to cleanDirt and moldYou can also clean your drinking bottle with bleach. Mix a teaspoon of bleachwith a teaspoon of baking sodain your bottle. Fill the rest of the bottle with water. Use the solution to scrub the inside and outside of the lid as well. Leave your water bottle overnight and rinse it thoroughly with warm water in the morning. If your bottle is dishwasher safe, we recommend that you clean it in the dishwasher and then let it dry.
Cleaning the water bottle – the rice trick
This trick is not only suitable for drinking bottles, but also for baby bottles, which will look shiny and new again. Take some raw rice (any variety) and add about a tablespoon to the bottom of the bottle. Add a small squirt of dishwashing liquid and 120ml water. Put the lid on and shake the bottle well. Rinse it out and your reusable bottle will be spotlessly clean.
Clever tip for the reusable bottle
After washing and drying your bottle, you can freeze it to kill any remaining bacteria. You can also store your bottle this way if you have freezer space. Then, when you refill them for reuse, the water stays cold a little longer.
Regardless of which method you choose, it is important that water bottles, whether plastic or metal, dry completely before storing them for later use. Also, store them without the lid. This will prevent bacteria from forming before refilling the bottles and ensure a clean, hygienic container.
Don't forget the lid
Remember to also scrub the lid of your water bottle daily with warm water and dish soap. If your bottle has multiple parts, separate thembefore cleaning, to ensure there is no dirt lurking in the cracks.
Clean the reusable straws
If you are a fan of reusable straws, you should definitely invest in a straw cleaning kit. Use a solution of warm water and dishwashing detergent and let the cleaner remove any dirt that may be inside the straws. Rinse the straws with warm water or, if they are dishwasher safe, place them in the dishwasher basket.
Clean drinking bottle: bite valve
Bite valve water bottles are particularly popular with fitness enthusiasts and small children, but they are notoriously difficult to clean. First remove the lid and separate the individual parts. If you don't see any visible deposits or notice a noticeable odor, run the items in the dish rack or top rack of the dishwasher. Otherwise, use a straw brush and one of the warm water cleaning solutions above to hand wash the pieces. Allow each piece to air dry before reassembling.