Cleaning a thermos flask: home remedies to get the vacuum flask clean

Whether baby milk,freshly brewed coffeeor your favorite tea: a high-quality insulated bottle can keep drinks warm for up to 24 hours. It is therefore a loyal companion on long walks, especially in winter. If you want to use your vacuum flask for a long time, you should clean it properly. Most hot drinks leave behind stains, stubborn deposits and unpleasant odors that can only be removed with difficulty with detergent. In today's post we will explain to you how to clean your thermos flask. With theseget home remediesClean them from the inside!

Clean stainless steel thermos flask: baking soda, vinegar and citric acid for hygienic cleanliness

OneStainless steel thermos flaskThe quickest way to clean it is with a tablespoon of baking powder or baking soda. Proceed as follows:

1. First screw on the lid and disassemble it into individual parts. Clean the bottle with dish soap.

2. Fill a pot or deep bowl with hot water and soak all rubber seals and lid parts.

3. Add a tablespoon of baking powder or baking soda to the water and wait until it dissolves completely.

4. Allow all lid parts to soak for about an hour, then remove and brush. Rinse them thoroughly with warm water and place them on paper towels. Allow them to dry before reassembling the lid.

5. Rinse the thermos thoroughly with warm water. Fill a deep pot or bowl with water and add a tablespoon of baking powder or baking soda to the water. It will disinfect the thermos and “soften” stubborn deposits.

6. After about an hour, brush the inside of the thermos flask with a bottle brush to remove stubborn limescale deposits, grease stains and other dirt. Then rinse the pot thoroughly and let it dry.

7. Assemble the lid.

Alternatively, you can use vinegar. Boil water and fill it into the thermos. Add 3-4 tablespoons of vinegar (preferably white wine or apple cider vinegar) and leave it to work for about 2 hours. Fill a bowl with hot water, add 3 tablespoons of vinegar, disassemble the lid into individual pieces and soak them in the vinegar solution. Then assemble it, close the insulated bottle and shake it vigorously. Then rinse the lid and the insulated bottle thoroughly until the smell of vinegar disappears.

If the smell of vinegar bothers you, you can replace it with citric acid.

Clean the glass thermos flask: Use dishwasher and denture cleaner tabs

If you have a thermos flask with a glass insert, you can clean it with dishwasher or denture cleaner tabs. Proceed as follows:

1. Pour warm water into a deep, clean container. Add a denture cleaner tab to the water.

2. Disassemble the lid into individual parts and soak in water.

3. Fill warm water into the insulated bottle and add a denture cleaner tab to the water.

4. After about 30 minutes, remove the lid parts, rinse each one thoroughly under running water and assemble the lid.

5. Empty the insulated bottle and rinse thoroughly several times.

The denture cleaner tablets can not only remove deposits, but also unpleasant odors.

Cleaning an insulated bottle with cola: is that possible?

Cola can remove rust stains, decalcify and clean urine scale in the toilet area. But can it also help with cleaning the thermos flask? Actually not. Because acidic drinks can damage the lid seal. That's why the manufacturers advise against pouring Cola, Fanta, etc. into the insulated bottle.

Clean thermos flask for baby water

Many parents have a thermos for baby water at home. The insulated bottle keeps the water warm and allows you to quickly prepare baby milk. If you only pour warm water into the thermos flask, then just cleaning it with detergent is enough. Simply rinse with hot water after each use and fill the insulated bottle with hot water every two days. Add some dishwashing liquid, close the bottle and shake vigorously. Then rinse thoroughly.

Most manufacturers provide care instructions for thermoses used for baby water. In some cases, cleaning with a vinegar solution is also an option.

If you have a thermos, you should clean it regularly. This will ensure it stays clean and odor-free. It is sufficient if you clean the insulated bottle with detergent after each use and with one every two weeksDisinfect home remedies. Only fill water, coffee and tea into the insulated bottle -Saft, Smoothiesand acidic drinks can damage the special coating. Empty the thermos every evening and never leave coffee or tea in the vacuum flask overnight.