Clean calcified sink: With these home remedies you can remove dirt and lime stains in a flash!

In the time between your morning and evening routine, your sink collects all sorts of nasty debris. Clumps of toothpaste, makeup spills, soap scum, hard water stains, and more can build up throughout the day and create serious, stubborn messes that can't be easily washed away. Daily wiping with a damp cloth or cleaning cloth can help remove the worst of the mess, but you should plan on a thorough cleaning about once a week. For truly stain-free bathroom fixtures, you need to combat bacteria, stains and unpleasant odors with an effective, natural bathroom cleaner. Learn how to clean a calcified sink, including the drain and faucet.

Cleaning a calcified sink – the material is very important

While the cleaning steps we've outlined should be enough for your average, unkempt sink, it's important to remember what your plumbing fixture is made of. It's all aboutwhat kind of cleaning productsyou can use. Below we have listed different types of materials for sinks.

Clean a discolored sink made of mineral cast, ceramic or porcelain

These hard materials are all extremely durable and resistant to scratches and chips - which is why they are one of the most popular materials for sinks. However, they can still be damaged.

When cleaning them, be sure to keep the following in mind:

  • Do not use scouring pads or brushes, especially if they are made of metal (such as steel wool).
  • Do not use abrasive cleaners or scouring powders - they may scratch or damage the surface.
  • In general, avoid bleach (can be used with caution and occasionally if your sink is white and has yellow stains).

How to descale and clean your sanitary equipment:

  1. Fill your sink with a few centimeters of hot water and add some dish soap or 250 – 500 ml of white vinegar.
  2. Rub the mixture around the faucet. Dip a cloth in the water and wipe down the vanity. Then throw small items that need cleaning into the water, such as the soap dish or toothbrush cup. Leave everything on for at least 10 minutes. If you choose the vinegar and water mixture, it is non-toxic, and the acidity of the vinegar dissolves limescale and soap scum with ease. Plus, the vinegar evaporates quickly, leaving everything clean and shiny.
  3. Drain the sink. Dry the soaked items and wipe them with a dry cloth.

Cleaning and descaling of natural stone sinks

Think granite, marble, sandstone and basalt sinks. One thing is certain: these materials are hard and durable for everyday use. However, they are quite porous and need to be resealed at least once a year. Basically, you want to protect these types of stones from mineral deposits such as salt, lime or even soap deposits.

To do this, you need to know the following:

  • Do not use cleaning products that are highly acidic (i.e. have a high pH). Yes, this even applies to natural cleaning products like vinegar or lemon juice.
  • Do not use steel wool or brushes.
  • Do not use abrasive cleaning agents.
  • Bleach can be used occasionally, but it is important to dilute it. Do not use it daily.

Never use chemical cleaning products tohard lime depositsto remove from a natural stone sink. Clean it with mild soap and warm water.

Clean a heavily dirty, calcified glass sink

Glass sinks have become increasingly popular in recent years. Clean the glass sink and glass vanity with a mixture of dish soap and warm water and use a sponge to remove soap residue. To make items shine, rinse them well, spray them with vinegar, and buff them dry with a microfiber cloth or paper towels.

Remove dirt and limescale stains effortlessly

Cleaning the bathroom also includesthe removal of stainsin the sink, including hard water and rust stains. The following home remedies help against deposits:

  • White vinegar
  • lemon
  • Salt
  • Baking soda

Mineral deposits are often found on faucet handles. To remove the limescale, wrap a paper towel soaked in vinegar around the stains and let it sit for 10 minutes. Remove the paper towel and buff the area with a dry cloth.

You can also use faucetsDescale with an old toothbrush and baking soda. Wet the brush with water and sprinkle the baking soda directly onto the bristles. Scrub back and forth over the problem areas. Leave it on for 10 to 15 minutes and then wash it off with warm water and a clean cloth.

For rust stains, sprinkle a lemon with salt and scrub the rusty area. A 1:1 mixture of vinegar and water also works.

Clean the sink: get the drain and siphon clean

When you clean your bathroom plumbing items, you also need to clean the sink drain. To clean the drain, you must first remove all debris from the drain plugs on a weekly basis. Sometimes removing the mess isn't enough and you need a drain cleaner. This easy-to-make solution will solve most sink drain and trap problems. You need:

  • Boiling water
  • 200 g Backpulver
  • 250 ml vinegar

Slowly pour about 2 liters of boiling water down the drain. Slowly spoon 200g of baking soda directly into the drain and let it sit for a few minutes. Then pour in vinegar. Cover the drain to force the foam down the drain. Then rinse the siphon with 2 liters of boiling water. This method is also one of our favorite ways to unclog drains.

How to clean the overflowfind out here!