What can be disposed of in the toilet and what not? Note these important tips!

Since their pipes are not so wide, even small things that at first glance do not cause a problem can cause a big mess. What can be disposed of in the toilet and what not? Scroll on to get helpful tips!

In addition to the cost of the elimination of water damage caused by an overflowing toilet, the costs for the commissioning of a specialist to remove a clogged drainage can be hundreds of euros. Note these tips on what you can wash down in the toilet and what not to avoid a sanitary disaster and an expensive invoice.

Wet wipes, kitchen rolls and handkerchiefs

Photo: Manuel Pineda/ Shutterstock

Large and small shops as well as toilet paper are the only three things that are allowed in the toilet.Sea Br.deEverything else belongs in the trash can. When using household paper, the leftovers, wet wipes, among other things, we Germans don't seem to be so safe.

Paper towels or face towels cannot be used as a replacement for toilet paper because they absorb water. The toilet paper does not clog the pipes because it bridles. Never rinse handkerchiefs, paper towels or kitchen roller down in the toilet, but throw them in the trash.

Photo: Nicoleta Ionescu/ Shutterstock

The same applies to wet wipes: do not rinse wet wipes into the toilet, even if there is something else on the label that they dissolve. Always dispose of them in a trash can because they are a common cause of constipation. In the long term, there may be problems with the sanitary facilities.

Excessive consumption of toilet paper

Excessive consumption of toilet paper is not only inefficient, but can also lead to serious problems with the pipes in your house. Constitious pipes are a common problem, and large toilet paper rolls are even worse. The next time you go to the toilet, you should only use as much as necessary to avoid embarrassing accidents.

Cotton balls, cotton pads, cotton swabs

Foto: KIKU OGAWA/ Shutterstock

Cotton swabs, cotton balls and cotton pads look small when they are washed down, but they can really clog their pipes considerably. Instead of dissolving in the water, these cotton balls collect in the pipes when rinsing. Always throw them in the trash so that you don't get into the pipes.

Products for menstruation

Menstrual items such as tampons, binding and the like are so obtained that they pour out with liquid and in certain cases swell to a multiple of their original size. When rinsing these fibrous articles, you can expand and get stuck in the sewage pipe, which leads to overflowing toilets. For security reasons, menstrual products should always be disposed of through the trash.


Can hair clog a toilet? The disposal of hair in the toilet can lead to problems. Hair tends to commit yourself inside of pipes, which can lead to deposits and finally constipation. Large hair balls should not be washed down in the toilet. Avoid constipation of your drainage and pipes by using sieves or covers made of silicone or stainless steel for the drains.

Residues of cigarettes

Photo: Manuel Pineda/ Shutterstock

If you rinse cigarettes in the drain, not only clog the pipes, but also wear the dangerous connections contained in the cigarette stumbles into the water.

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Cat litter

Even if some types of cat sprinkles are declared as "suitable for the toilet", the water pressure in most toilets is not high enough to really rinse the litter into the toilet. Dispose of cat litter in the trash, even if there is something else on the packaging. It causes nothing more than more difficult to clean water because it adds further contamination.

Medicines and other dangerous substances (colors, chemicals)

Foto: Konstantin K4/ Shutterstock

Never rinse medication or other potentially harmful household itemsin die Toilette- This also includes colors and some cleaning chemicals, for example for stoves, windows and tiles. In this way you can avoid water pollution.

Medicines that have been brought through the discharge or the toilet also get to the waste water and can lead to environmental pollution. In Germany, over 400 different drug residues have already been detected in water and soil, albeit often in low concentrations - this includes, for example, pain relievers, antibiotics and hormones,reports environmental-undeamt.de.

The pollution of sewage pits and sewage treatment systems through dangerous budget waste such as colors, oils and cleaning agents is a health and environmental problem.

Kitchen waste and food residues

Foto: victoras/ Shutterstock

Kitchen waste and other food residues should not be disposed of in the wastewater because they lure rodents and other pests into the open sewer. Even fats should not rinse down the toilet - they contribute to the pollution of the sewage system, make cleaning more complicated and cost more money. Put food residues and other kitchen waste in the biotone or household waste.

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Titelbild: nito/ Shutterstock