What helps against silverfish: With these effective home remedies you can get rid of the pests permanently

Recently you have noticed signs of a possible pest infestation in your home. And what's worse, you've started seeing strange, silvery insects crawling around at night. What are these creepy crawlies? And how did they get into your house? There is good news and bad news. The bad news is that you probably have an infestation of the pests. The good news is that in this article you will learn what works against silverfish and how you can keep your rooms bug-free for years to come.

Silverfish are one of the most common pest insects in the world. They are sometimes called bristletails or paperfish, although their scientific name is Lepisma saccharinum. These are voracious eaters that feed on starchy foods. They especially love paper and will eat their way through boxes, books and other household materials. These insects are silver or gray in color and their bodies are covered in tiny scales that are often described as fish-like. The size of the silverfish is around 1.5 – 2.5 cm. and they can live up to eight years. These insects are nocturnal and rarely seen during the day.

Silverfish in the apartment – ​​what attracts them?

Before we tell you what works against silverfish, let's take a look at what attracts them to your home. You may be wondering, “Does silverfishing mean my house is dirty?” Contrary to a popular myth, silverfish are not attracted to dirty houses. Instead, they love moisture, so their presence indicates dampness rather than dirt in a home. Since the pests feed on common building and construction materials, clean homes also provide them with plenty of food.

Aside from that, silverfish see dusty areas in the home as a hodgepodge. Since dust mostly consists of organic residues such as human skin and dander, these insects can usually live on dust alone. If they die or are injured in your home, the remaining live silverfish will eat the carcasses to meet their protein needs.

Are silverfish dangerous to people and pets?No, they are not dangerous for humans. They do not bite, sting or transmit diseases or pathogens. Even if they pose no threat to your health, they are not pests you want to live with. They can damage household goods and building materials, and their eerie presence quickly makes your home an unpleasant place to be. Additionally, some people may react to silverfish feces or molts with severe allergic symptoms.

How do you get rid of bugs in your home? Thefind out here!

Signs of a silverfish infestation

Do you think you have silverfish in your house? Here are five signs to look out for:

  • See live silverfish: It's difficult to spot since they're nocturnal, but if you see even a single live silverfish, it's a good indication that you have an infestation somewhere in your home.
  • excrement: Silverfish feces are so small that many people mistake them for dust or household waste. However, if you sweep once and they keep showing up, you know you have a pest problem.
  • molts: These pests shed their skin throughout their lives. The outer shells are small, delicate and transparent, but they are a good indication of a silverfish infestation.
  • Yellow stains on your belongings: They often appear in books, papers, boxes or on clothing.
  • Damage to belongings:They eat wallpaper, bedding, clothing and cardboard. Look for holes in items like these to determine if you have an infestation.

What helps against silverfish – some effective home remedies

Use newspaper to attract them

Dampen an old newspaper and roll it up. The silverfish crawl in and begin to nest there. After a few days, throw away the newspaper in an airtight container. Alternatively, you can burn them to get rid of the silverfish that have nested in them.

What helps against silverfish – lavender

Fill several bags with dried lavender. You can buy empty lavender sachets at craft stores or make your own from oilcloth at home. Hang the lavender-filled bags in closets or other areas where you typically see silverfish. Fill a spray bottle with water and add 10 to 15 drops of lavender essential oil. Mist the air in your home with the spray to keep silverfish at bay. Wipe the insides of cabinets and drawers with pure essential oil to repel the insects.

Make your own silverfish traps

Silverfish love starchy foods and will do anything to find them. To get rid of them, put some flour, dry grains or pet food in a glass container. Leave the lid off and wrap the outside with tape. The structured surface of the adhesive tape allows them to get into the glass. However, they cannot get out again because their feet cannot find purchase on the smooth glass surface inside.

What helps against silverfish – cedar oil & bay leaves

Cedar oil is one of the many essential oils used to eliminate silverfish. It is a particularly effective pest control agent for silverfish, clothes moths and carpet beetles. For best results, add cedar oil to a diffuser or mix a few drops of the oil into a spray bottle filled with warm water and spray the mixture onto problem areas. If you use a diffuser, place it anywhere you have noticed silverfish activity.

Dried bay leaves: For an effective silverfish remedy, you don't have to go any further than your pantry. Simply take a few dried bay leaves and place them wherever you have seen signs of pests. They are deterred by the oils in bay leaves, which have been shown to be effective pest deterrents.

Other effective home remedies for pests in the houseyou can find here!