Deep relaxation thanks to brain massage – an experience report

Body massages are a good way toand relieve tension and loosen the muscles. Rituals has developed a new concept of massage. With the so-calledBrain Massagetake care of yourself in your own spaMind Oasisin Frankfurt, forDeep relaxation, which occurs after just a few minutes. The focus here is not on the muscles, but on the brain. Like exactly the BrainWe were able to test it for ourselves and what it feels like.

When it becomes completely quiet and the light comes on, I am briefly surprised - and then a little wistful. Is it really over already? The last 30 minutes felt like the blink of an eye. I would prefer to stay put and start again from the beginning. Because this oneWellness-Trendis completely different than any I have experienced before. Neither are usedstill sensitive hands that loosen and smooth out tense muscles. This treatment focuses entirely on the brain. It is supposed to help you let go of thoughts and travel into other spheres. Very suitable for anyone who still goes through shopping lists and to-do lists in their head while meditating.

I noticed how easy it is to get into the theta state, this deeply meditative frequency range of brain waves, shortly after I made myself comfortable on the lounger in one of the four individual cabins. A video on a screen guides you through a short breathing exercise. I close my eyes and hear how indefinable but incredibly beautiful sequences of sounds wander around my head and seem to come from everywhere. These must be the dynamic 4D sounds. At the same time the lounger starts to vibrate. Not hectic and fast, but in larger vibrations that have a calming effect. The next thing I consciously notice is the end of the session. I feel relaxed and light.

Eva Elias knows where this comes from: “The external stimuli from both low-frequency vibrations and tones in the same frequency range influence the brain waves in such a way that you end up in the theta state in a very short time. Body and mind find themselves at a particularly deep levelrelaxationagain.” What is not so easy to imagine is even more worth experiencing. If there were such a ritualBrain MassageIn my city, you would probably always see me disappearing into one of these relaxation rooms. And then leave him completely relaxed.

Rituals Mind Oasis, Zeil 112–114, Frankfurt am Main, 30 minutes for €30