Mold in the home is a terrible thing, no matter in which room it arises. After all, he is not only ugly, but alsoextremely harmful to health. While in the fully tiledBathroom only in the jointsappears and is removed from there relatively quickly (as long as you act in a timely manner), things are different when it comes to removing mold in the other rooms with untiled walls. Chemical agents such as chlorine are effective in fighting mold, but they also bleach - so they are not suitable for painted walls or wallpaper. In addition, it is not enough just to remove the mold stains. You also need to know the cause of the mold growth and address it first. Does all of this make you despair? We would like to help you with a few tips and home remedies in the fight against mold on the walls. What to do about mold on the wall?
Regardless of whether there is green mold on the wall, black, yellow or something else: if your apartment tends to form mold, it is not enough to simply remove it. The first step in fighting mold on the wall is to find the cause and eliminate it. Possible causes are:
- Poor construction of the building: The house walls are not well sealed.
- Increased moisture production from plants, laundry or a lot of steam when showering, for example, and the resulting condensation.
- Lack of ventilation
- Insufficient heating
High room humidity causes mold to develop, but this cannot always be reduced through regular ventilation. Then you should at least try not to provide the spores with a breeding ground. You get this from the wall covering used - wallpaper, for example, is a common source of mold spores. Instead, use inorganic materials such as lime plaster or lime-based paint.
Mold in the apartment – what to do?
If you have discovered mold on the wall in the early stages, you do not have to resort to aggressive and chemical agents straight away. After you have determined and eliminated the cause of the stains, you can remove the mold using home remedies.Home remedies for moldIn contrast to chemical agents, they are harmless to health, but are still very effective. So, what to do about mold on the wall?
Danger!Wear a protective mask and gloves, it is best to lay out a protective film and put furniture aside. Close the room door and open the windows wide so that any flying spores fly outside and do not spread throughout the house.
What to do against mold on the wall – vinegar as a home remedy
Opinions are divided when it comes to vinegar against mold on the walls. So before you resort to this home remedy, it's better to try the other remedies mentioned first. In general it is suitable, but under certain conditions: You want towith vinegarHowever, your kitchen vinegar from the kitchen is not enough to remove the mold. This is simply not acidic enough. Vinegar essence is a better choice. Additionally, you should only use them on smooth and non-porous surfaces. Under no circumstances should you use vinegar or vinegar essence to remove wall mold that is on limestone walls. A chemical compound creates the perfect breeding ground for mold spores and thus the opposite effect.
If you are sure that your wall does not contain any limescale, you can use vinegar essence to remove the mold. To remove a mold stain, spray the essence using a spray bottle, let it work and then wipe it off again. The smell will disappear on its own over time.
Alcohol against mold on the wall
What to do about mold on the wall if vinegar hasn't worked? Slight mold on the wall also disappearswith the help of alcohol. If you use alcohol, be sure to use a solution with at least 70% alcohol content. Use denatured alcohol, rubbing alcohol, or medical alcohol as desired. It is best to fill the solution into a spray bottle and spray the affected areas. After letting it sit for a while, wipe it off again with a sponge and plenty of water.
Removing mold from the wall - instructions for hydrogen peroxide
Hydrogen peroxide has onebleaching effect. It is ideal not only for getting rid of mold spores, but also for getting rid of the discoloration that mold causes. This remedy is only effective if it is a dry mold spot. Only then can it penetrate the wall and have an effect. If you would like to use hydrogen peroxide to combat mold on the wall, take a 3 percent solution and spray the area generously, let the agent work for an hour and wipe the wall clean with a damp cloth.
What can you do about mold on the wall that is painted?
Hydrogen peroxide, for example, has a bleaching effect and is therefore not a good option for some painted, colored walls. What to do about mold on the wall that is painted? On the one hand you can try vinegar, on the other hand a solution of warm water and normal household cleaner (in a ratio of 3:1) is also suitable. Spray the wall and thoroughly wipe off the mold spores. Then replace the solution with plain water and spray and wipe the wall again to rinse it off. Dry the area with a towel.
Remove mold from wallpaper
You can try and eliminate mold on a wall with wallpaper. In most cases, this will not be a permanent solution and the mold on the wall will reappear. The removal, disposal and thatReplacing the wallpaperafter additional treatment of the wall are the better option. Before removing, spray them liberally with alcohol, denatured alcohol or hydrogen peroxide. This will minimize the amount of mold spores that will fly into the air during removal.
Danger! All tools such as rags or brushes that were used to remove mold must then be disposed of in order to eliminate them as a source of renewed spread. Consult a professional if the remedies mentioned do not help.