Cleaning the toilet: Home remedies to get the toilet seat, cistern and toilet bowl white again

Deposits, urine scale and stubborn dirt: Whohis toiletCleaning regularly is doing something good for your health. It is very important not just to clean the quiet place once a week, but to actually have a daily cleaning routine. Getting a dirty toilet area clean again is not an easy task. Especially if you are sensitive to toilet cleaners etc. We have put together several home remedies and give you useful tips on how to clean the toilet.

New apartment, old toilet seat: a yellowed toilet seat is anything but pleasant and hygienic. Luckily, there are several home remedies you can use to get them sparkling white (or at least white) again. The first thing you need to do is unscrew the lid and seat.

Clean the toilet seat: You can use detergent

Just take the seat, moisten a soft sponge and givesome detergenton it. Thoroughly clean the seat with it and rinse it with hot water. Fill warm water into a large, clean container and dissolve a dishwasher tablet in the water. Immerse the toilet seat and let the dishwasher tab work for several hours. Then you can remove the toilet seat, rinse it thoroughly with warm water and check whether it has turned white again. If yellowing is still visible, repeat the process. At the end, you can thoroughly disinfect the entire toilet seat again with a steam cleaner.

Clean the toilet lid: Use home remedies with baking soda and citric acid

A dirty toilet lid is not only unsightly, but also unhygienic.Use a home remedymade from baking soda and citric acid to clean the toilet lid. Put 2-3 tablespoons of citric acid and 1 tablespoon of baking soda in a bowl, add some warm water and stir well until a paste forms. Pour 2-3 tablespoons of paste onto a dampened sponge and gently rub it onto the lid (it's best not to apply pressure). Let the paste work for half an hour and rinse the toilet lid thoroughly.

By the way, you can replace the citric acid with freshly squeezed lemon juice or apple cider vinegar. If you have stubborn dirt, you can also leave the paste to work overnight.

Clean the toilet seat: steam cleaner disinfects

If several people use a toilet, the toilet seat should not only be thoroughly cleaned but also disinfected. A steam cleaner produces hot steam and the temperature above 100° Celsius is enough to kill most bacteria. However, only use the steam cleaner after you have unscrewed the toilet seat and cleaned it thoroughly. Never clean the toilet seat directly on the toilet. Because the hot steam can damage the sensitive ceramic!

Clean the toilet cistern

The toilet cistern also needs to be cleaned thoroughly once a year. Otherwise, deposits, limestone and dirt can build up and clog the toilet flush or damage seals and metal parts. Cleaning a surface-mounted box is basically child's play. This is because this type of cistern is easily accessible. But things look different with a wall-mounted cistern. The access to the box is hidden behind a wall. Therefore, find out from the manufacturer and possibly the landlord how you can dismantle the structure professionally. Most of the time it is very simple - you need to unscrew the brackets and carefully remove the dry wall and you will then have access to the toilet cistern. To clean it, you must first turn off the main water tap. Then you can carefully dismantle all removable parts.

Clean the toilet: Remove the deposits in the cistern

Use vinegar for light dirt or diluted citric acid for stubborn deposits to get the cistern clean again. For limestone you can use undiluted citric acid. Proceed as follows:

  • For light dirt, moisten a cleaning cloth and apply plenty of vinegar to it. Then wipe the toilet cistern thoroughly with it.
  • For stubborn dirt, fill 1 liter of water into a disposable bottle and add 500 ml of apple cider vinegar. Then fill the vinegar solution into the cistern and leave it to work for several hours or, ideally, overnight.
  • If you have limestone, pour undiluted citric acid into a clean spray bottle and spray the toilet cistern with it. Let the citric acid work for 3 hours and then wipe it off with a damp cloth.

Clean the toilet bowl

Cleaning the toilet bowl is not a pleasant task. But you should do this two or three times a week so that germs don't collect. Fortunately, there are several home remedies that ensure hygienic cleanliness.

Clean toilet: remove urine stone

Removing the stubborn urine stone is not easy. Often even special toilet cleaners do not deliver what they promise. If you are looking for an environmentally friendly alternative, you can use the following home remedies:

1. WCclean with cola: Shake 500 ml of Cola into the toilet bowl and let it work for about an hour. Then rinse the basin 2-3 times. If you can still see any limescale or urine residue, remove it with a brush. They should come off quickly and easily.

2. Dishwasher tabs not only ensure sparkling cleanliness in the dishwasher. They can also be used to clean the toilet. You can use one tab every two weeks. Simply throw it into the basin and wait about an hour until it has completely dissolved and cleaned the toilet. Then brush the basin carefully and then rinse away the cleaning agent.

Clean toilet edges

3. You can get rid of even very stubborn deposits with a mixture of baking soda and white table vinegar. First, shake 500 ml of vinegar into the basin and use a clean toilet brush to spread it under the edge of the toilet. Then add 2 tablespoons of baking powder. Don't let the fizz put you off. The gases emitted are non-toxic. You therefore do not need to close the toilet lid. If the bathroom has a window, you can open it. Otherwise, just opening the bathroom door is enough. After about half an hour the time has come and you can brush again and then rinse.

Clean toilet under rim

Urine stone often collects just under the edge. What can you do about it? With simple home remedies you can get the toilet rim sparkling white again. But you also need the right toilet brush. Our tip: Use a toilet brush with an integrated edge cleaner. This means you can thoroughly clean even hard-to-reach areas.

Cleaning the toilet: The right accessories can make the task much easier

Before you clean the toilet, you should purchase the right tools. You need:

  • Gloves
  • Toilet brush (preferably with an integrated wheel cleaner and a swiveling handle)
  • 2-3 Putzlappen
  • 3-4 dishwashing sponges
  • an empty and clean spray bottle
  • an old bowl (preferably made of plastic or glass)

Cleaning and maintaining the toilet: This is how a thorough cleaning can be avoided

If you want to clean your toilet quickly, then you should clean it regularly. Instead of removing deposits with a toilet brush once a week, you can brush the toilet bowl after every use. There are special cistern tabs for the cistern that are simply added to the water. This has the advantage that with such a tab you can keep not only the cistern, but also the pipe and even the toilet bowl germ-free and clean.

If you are planning on renovating, you can also invest in a rimless pool. As the name suggests, this model has no edge. This makes cleaning much easier because you can see the dirt and quickly reach it with the toilet brush.

What you shouldn't do, however, is wipe the toilet with toilet paper. Toilet paper quickly becomes saturated and, if used in large quantities, can clog the drain pipe.

It is also an absolute “no-go” to use the sponge, rubber gloves or cleaning cloth to clean the toilet for more than a month. It's best to replace these every two weeks.

The toilet brush should also be cleaned regularly. You can pour a liter of vinegar into the toilet once a week, dip the brush in it and leave it for 40 minutes. Then rinse thoroughly.

You can also put some toilet cleaner in the toilet brush container to clean your toiletKeep toilet brush cleancan.

What not to use to clean the toilet

You should not use alcohol, chemicals, or wet wipes when cleaning the toilet. Alcohol and chemicals can damage the surface of the toilet bowl. The wet wipes can also clog the toilet because, unlike toilet paper and towels, they are made from plastic fibers and are not biodegradable.