How to get rid of silverfish in the bedroom? This is how to do it naturally!

Recently you have noticed signs of a possible pest infestation in your home. And what's worse, you've started seeing strange, silvery insects crawling around on your bed at night. What are these critters and how did they get into your house? Here we answer these questions and give you effective tips on how to get rid of silverfish in the bedroom naturally.

Of all the insects you can find in your home, silverfish are perhaps the most annoying, second only to cockroaches. During the day they hide in narrow crevices, and at night, when you are sleeping, they emerge from the shadows to pounce on and destroy books, wallpaper and clothing. So if you find silverfish in the bedroom, you should get rid of them as soon as possible. That's how it works!

What are silverfish and what attracts them to your home

Silverfish (Lepisma saccharinum) are one of the most common insect pests in the world. They are silver or gray in color and their bodies are covered in tiny scales that are often described as fish-like. They are about 2.5 cm long and can live up to eight years. The insects are active at night and are rarely seen during the day. They are voracious consumers and feed on almost everything in your home.

What attracts silverfish to your home?? If you have a silverfish infestation, you're probably wondering where they come from. Here are the things that attract them to your home:

  • Suitable habitat: In their natural habitat, silverfish live in moist, well-protected places, e.g. B. under tree trunks and stones or in leaves. However, in the home environment they are more likely to live behind furniture, in books, in basements or near sinks. They need moisture to survive and they will colonize wherever the moisture levels in your home are high.
  • Food sources: One reason why silverfish are so difficult to eliminate is that in nature they eat almost everything, from starches and carbohydrates to proteins. In their natural habitat, they feed on compostable plant material, leaves and other decaying items. In your home, they like to nibble on leftover food, dry products such as sugar, flour and grains. They also love paper in any form – boxes, books and so on.

Is a silverfish infestation a sign of poor hygiene

You may be wondering – if I have silverfish in the bedroom (or my house in general), is that a sign that the hygiene is not good enough? No, it's not that. Silverfish love moisture, so their presence indicates dampness rather than dirt in the apartment. However, you should keep in mind that they perceive dusty rooms as a buffet. Since dust consists largely of organic contaminants such as human skin and dander, silverfish can usually survive on dust alone.

How often you should dust & how to do it right: Tips for a clean homeyou can find here!

Are they dangerous for people and pets

Are silverfish dangerous – No, they are not! They do not bite, sting or transmit diseases or pathogens. However, they pose a risk to some people with severe allergies because they can cause reactions such as itching, coughing and mucous production.

How to get rid of silverfish in the bedroom – effective home remedies

Follow these tips to get rid of silverfish in bed or anywhere else in your home!

Make a silverfish trap

Use glass containers: Silverfish love starchy foods and will do anything to find them. To get rid of them, put some flour, dried cereal, or pet food in a glass container. Leave the lid off and wrap the outside with tape.

The silverfish can get into the glass via the textured surface of the tape. However, they cannot get out again because their feet cannot grip the smooth glass surface inside.

Use newspaper: Dampen an old newspaper and roll it up. The silverfish crawl in and begin to nest there. After a few days, throw away the newspaper in an airtight container. Alternatively, you can also burn them.

Lay out sticky traps: Glue traps, available at most hardware stores or home and garden stores, are an excellent method for controlling silverfish in the bedroom (or elsewhere in the home). Purchase several of these traps and place them wherever you have noticed insect activity. Check the traps after a few days and discard any that have silverfish stuck to them.

What are the 10 things you should clean around the house every week to keep your house bacteria-free and inviting?You can find out here!

Use cedar oil and dried bay leaves

cedar oilis one of the essential oils that you can use to get rid of silverfish in the bedroom. For best results, add cedar oil to a diffuser or add a few drops of the oil to a spray bottle filled with warm water and spray the mixture onto problem areas. Silverfish are repelled by cedar oil, which has been proven to be an effective pest repellent.

Dried bay leaves– For an effective silverfish remedy, all you need to do is reach into your pantry. Simply take a few dried bay leaves and place them wherever you have noticed signs of silverfish.

If you want to get rid of silverfish in bed, place the leaves under your pillow and on your bedside table. The oils contained in the bay leaves will effectively and permanently repel pests.

Notice: However, note that these home remedies do not kill the insects. Therefore, it is important that you use them regularly if you want to ward them off permanently!