Have you ever spilled toothpaste on yourself in the morning rush? If so, then you know that although it is good for your smile, the traces of it are not so easy to remove. But with a few expert tips, you can successfully remove toothpaste stains using only home remedies that you're sure to have on hand!
How to remove toothpaste stains depends on the type of paste
Before we explain the specifics of different types of toothpaste and their stains, the first step is the same in every situation - gently lift the excess toothpaste away from the tissue it got on. A spoon is a good tool for this task. Once you're done lifting, take a clean cloth, dampen it with cold water and wipe the stain. Never rub fresh toothpaste into the fabric as this can cause the paste to penetrate deeper into the fibers, making it much more difficult to removeto remove stain.
However, some types of toothpaste are harder to get out than others. Follow these instructions and apply as soon as possible after the stain appears. This is especially true for trace amounts of whitening toothpaste, where quick action is crucial.
Regular toothpaste
If your toothpaste is white, it probably contains titanium dioxide - the ingredient that causes the stain to "reappear" a few minutes after you wipe it away with water. So, once you've completed the mandatory first step above, apply a small amount of liquid detergent to a damp cloth and rub the detergent into the stain. For stubborn stains, you can use an unused toothbrush to work the detergent into the stain. Then wash the garment according to the manufacturer's instructions and allow it to air dry. Repeat the process if necessary until the stain disappears.
Gel toothpaste
Colored gel toothpaste usually contains a dye that gives it its hue, but that dye is an absolute nightmare if it gets on white clothing. Follow the instructions above and then hang the stained garment in the sun to bleach the stain using the sun. If it's particularly noticeable, use a stain remover like Vanish before washing.
Whitening toothpaste
Whitening toothpaste contains mild bleaching agents that discolor dark and colored clothing. So if you spill whitening toothpaste on your clothes, you need to react quickly. Follow the instructions above for removing stains from regular toothpaste, but treat immediately to prevent fading. If you leave it for too long, it will become impossible to remove.
Once you've scooped the toothpaste out of the tissue with a spoon, use these home remedies to remove toothpaste stains!
Use vinegar or lemon juice on clothing
When it comes to natural cleaning products, white vinegar is a versatile stain and odor remover. To remove a toothpaste stain on clothing, make a solution of one part white vinegar and two parts cold water. Soak a clean rag with the solution and gently blot the stain away. Let the fabric sit for a minute or two and then blot again with a dry cloth. Then rinse the fabric with cold water. Now you can let the fabric dry or throw it in the washing machine with your laundry.
Important!Do not put the garment in the dryer until you are sure that the stain has disappeared. This is because the heat can set a stain, often permanently. That's why we recommended air drying the garment earlier in this article.
Lemon juice:The citrus flavor of lemon juice makes it all the more attractive as a stain remover. To remove a toothpaste stain from your clothing, cut a lemon in half and rub the exposed flesh onto the stained area. Then rinse the area with cold water. You should see the first results after a short time. If you spot a stubborn, dried stain on a durable material - such as a cotton shirt - rub the area with the lemon and sprinkle salt on it. Then rub the material together so the salt penetrates deep into the fibers and further works out the stain. Rinse with cold water.
Also interesting:What not to clean with vinegar and which surfaces or household appliances the household remedy can damage
Use baking soda for carpets
Knowing how to remove toothpaste stains from clothes is one thing, but what about your carpet? No fear! Baking soda is a tough stain killer and a great option for cleaning carpets and rugs. Sprinkle the stained area with baking soda and spray the area with water. Leave this on for at least an hour or two, or you can leave it on overnight if you prefer. Once the area is dry, vacuum up the baking soda and the carpet should be fresh and clean.
Also read:Clean carpets: Use these effective methods and home remedies to get clean carpets straight away!