Spring is finally here and we're really looking forward to warmer weather and lighter clothing. The change of season is also the perfect time to clean out and reorganize our closets. But where should you start and which methods help to finally bring order to your wardrobe? The first step is to put away your winter clothes and store them neatly. We have the order expertDagmar Schäferasked for their tips for storing winter clothes and reorganizing the closet.
Storing winter clothes: Season changes in the wardrobe are an important part of spring cleaning
Ms. Schäfer, what should you pay attention to when storing winter clothing? Where and how is it best to store winter clothes?
Store your winter clothing in a dry, dust-free, light-protected and cool place. This can be an additional wardrobe in the bedroom, under-bed boxes or a separate room (e.g. heated basement or attic). Avoid damp rooms! Before you store your winter clothes, sort them out and check for defects. Thoroughly wash clothes that you have not used for a long timeTo avoid textile pests. Make sure clothing is completely dry before storage to avoid mold growth. Empty all pockets and close zippers and buttons. To ward off moths and fur beetles, you should carefully vacuum, wash and dry the cupboard. Use scented sachets or soaps with lavender or cedarwood.
You should not wash ski and functional clothing too frequently to maintain its water repellency. You should store sweaters lying down to prevent them from wearing out. Zippered vacuum bags are a space-saving alternative for storing winter clothes.
To our expert
Dagmar Schäfer
Dagmar Schäfer, the founder of ORDNUNGSWUNDER, was born in 1982, grew up in Germany and has lived in Zurich since 2008.
Link to website:ordnungswunder.ch
She is an organization and style coach and likes to combine the two for radiant and lasting results.
With her blog, through her book (organization quickies - simple tidying projects for in between), through her digital products, in the 1:1 consultation and via Instagram (@orderswunder.ch) she helps people with a lot of stuff and little time who want sustainable organization, a wardrobe full of favorite items, less ballast, more free time and a simpler everyday life.
Your readers will learn how to let go of unnecessary things with a good feeling and how to optimally arrange and organize their home, their everyday life and their wardrobe in small, relaxed ways.
Organize your wardrobe in spring
However, storing your winter clothes is only half the battle. When swapped out for summer clothes, you have to reorganize your closet to stay organized. The expert tips from the certified tidying coach can help here.
The 7 tips from the organization expert for wardrobe organization
Ms. Schäfer, there is often chaos in drawers and wardrobes. What tried and tested tips can you share for organizing your closet?
Tipp 1:Get lightweight fabric organizer boxes for folded clothes (see next point on folding). These ensure structure and order in drawers and cupboard compartments. Everything remains clear and easy to reach - even what is at the back of deep cupboards, because you can simply pull out the light boxes like a drawer.
Tipp 2:You can do T-shirts, tops, underwear, sportswear, homewear and anything else that doesn't wrinkle too muchFold according to Marie Kondo's method. There are many simple instructions on the internet.
You then sort the folded “packages” standing one behind the other and sorting them by color into the drawers and boxes. This is also called “file folding”. Important: Don't stuff things into your wardrobe, but fill it loosely to a maximum of 80 percent.
The big advantage of file folding: You can see everything at a glance because nothing can disappear in a stack, and you can easily take things out and put them back after washing instead of always messing up a whole stack. Folding clothes can actually be really fun and almost “meditative”. And even if it doesn't become your new hobby: after a little practice, folding is just as quick as with the stacking method.
Tipp 3:Anything that is sensitive to creases, such as blouses, skirts, dresses, etc., should be hung on hangers on a clothes rail, sorted by color. Invest in good, uniform hangers and only use one or two hanger styles for the entire closet. The effect of uniform hangers is amazing. The closet immediately appears harmonious and calming, like in a small boutique. In addition, nothing “disappears” in between and is overlooked, which often happens with clothes hangers of different widths. Hang all clothes in the same direction.
Tipp 4:For the best view of all your clothes and a luxurious feeling when opening the closet: use a lighting system! This can also be easily retrofitted into existing cabinets and enhances the cabinet.
Tipp 5:Place clothes that are used a lot in the front and at a comfortable height and clothes that are rarely used in the back/top/bottom. You can do the same with seasonal clothing: what is current is brought forward. Alternatively, clothing that is not in the current season can of course be removed from the wardrobe.
Tipp 6:Create more storage space:
- Use hanging organizers and special hangers for belts, scarves, accessories, bags, etc.
- Use the space on the closet floor under the hanging clothes for boxes in which you can store shoes, seasonal clothing or sentimental pieces.
- Use the space at the top of the closet and place decorative boxes with clothes that you rarely wear (see previous point).
- Use the cupboard compartments to their full depth with the help of lightweight organizer boxes (see above).
- Attach individual hooks to the inside of the closet.
Tipp 7:This is how it stays nice and tidy in the long term:
- To prevent the amount of clothing from becoming overwhelming and breaking your organization system, sort out clothing regularly (at least twice a year, ideally when the season changes). Combine this with a basic cleaning of the closet.
- Adopt the “one in, one out” principle and sort out a different part for every new part that is added.
- Fold freshly washed laundry as soon as it has dried and put it straight back into the closet.