How to find the perfect coffee table: The right coffee table is a real space miracle

A coffee table is very useful for practical storage near the sofa. Alternatives such as a stool or a small side table also work if you only need a place for the remote control or a drinking glass - but a classic sofa table offers many more options. It is a stylish accessory and can be a real storage space miracle at the same time. But what is the maximum size it can be and what kind of rug would go with it? Here's how to find the coffee table that's right for you.

Choosing the perfect sofa table: which size?

When choosing dimensions, the sofa table should fit both the size of the sofa and the size of the room. He is not allowed to obstruct any walkways in a small room.Do you have a corner sofa?, a table longer than the sides of the sofa would be far too big and the proportions would no longer be correct. Even if it is a single piece of furniture, the coffee table must not be wider than the seat itself.

It's all a matter of taste, but many people find it to be a third to half the length of the sofaharmonious size for a sofa table. With appropriate, subtle lighting and a carpet that is at least 30-50 cm wider than the table, the furniture is also pleasantly highlighted. Whether the table should be delicate or solid also depends on the sofa you have.

Finding the perfect sofa table: What height?

Since you often watch TV or read while lying comfortably on a sofa, the table obviously shouldn't be too high. As a rule of thumb, the top should be slightly lower than the seat so that you can easily reach over both the sofa table and objects lying on itlook at the televisioncan. Low seats and therefore low tables have now become modern.

Seniors whoDifficulty getting upbut you should definitely look for higher sofas with firmer upholstery and then also choose a higher sofa table that fits. As an alternative, there are also height-adjustable sofa tables or variants that can be extended at short notice when visitors are there.

Which design?

Sofa tables come in all shapes, colors and materials. Someone who is more young and cheeky, for examplefurnished with a green sofacan choose an equally unusual table as well as a very clear and purist one to underline the special couch. If you have a clear furnishing style, you will find it easier to find the right table in the wide variety of options. The old designer saying “Form follows function” may help with your selection. Should the table only be used as a storage space for a few things or is storage space needed for a TV magazine, card games, pens, tissues or even pillows or a wool blanket? Then drawers or folding compartments in a wooden table are extremely practical. A solid concrete table, on the other hand, is less of an option.

Choosing a coffee table: conclusion

A sofa table is often the focal point of the living room and should therefore look good. If you want to store a lot of things, you are better off with a variant that offers plenty of storage space. The coffee table must definitely be of a suitable size and height for the sofa. If you choose a design that matches the rest of the furnishing style, the table will look like a harmonious eye-catcher. The endless variety offers plenty of scope for design, depending on your taste and budget.