Lovers of the drink of the gods will dream of: their own wine cellar. Having a way to store lots of wine bottles without them getting in the way of everyday life can be very beneficial. We recommend that you stop dreaming about it and start building it right away. Now you might say that you don't have a basement at all. But our answer is that you don't necessarily have to store your collection in a cellar, but rather in different rooms at home. We have put together some creative ideas that you can use as inspiration if you want to store your wine in an original way.
Store wine on a wooden shelf
This large wine rack is without a doubt the highlight in this minimalist kitchen dining area. The shelf forWine storageis made from the same wood as the kitchen cabinets to create a matching design. If you store wine, you can use this idea or create a contrast with the shelf.
In a room divider
If you store your wine in your apartment, you can use a room divider for this purpose or you can custom-make one. This open living room with kitchen is visually divided by the white wine rack. Round holes perfectly accommodate the wine bottles and are a decoration at the same time.
On the shelf
The best way to store the wine in a lying position is on shelves. The design of the shelf for the kitchen just described is similar to this variant. A divider has circular holes of different sizes into which the wine bottles can be placed. The design can be done entirely according to your taste.
Use the stair area
The stair area is a tricky place because it is often not used well. The area under the steps offers so much practical storage space. In this house the steps are used for storing wine by converting them into shelves. The lower steps, which are difficult to reach, are equipped with an entire cupboard with a glass door.
Wine cellar shelves
In this variant, the two side walls under the stairs were used to create metal shelves. The brick walls give the area an additional industrial feel. If you want to store wine in your home, you can use such free and unused areas or wall niches to store and display your valuable wine.
Build an attractive wine cellar
The impressive wine cellar is the first thing that catches your eye when you enter this house. The area under the stairs was used again. Instead of using opaque walls, the glass opens up the view inside. The wine bottles are also nicely lit there. Although the area looks quite small, it offers an extraordinary amount of space for wine bottles.
Centerpiece in the dining room
You can store the wine in any apartment. You just have to think creatively. This idea forms the focal point of the dining area in the apartment. Two shelves accommodate plenty of wine, which is also quick and easy to reach if you spontaneously feel like having a glass of wine while eating.
A wall made of acrylic
The very modern interior of this apartment is made even more attractive by the original shelf. You can use such a wall made of acrylic or plexiglass, in which holes the size of the bottle necks are drilled. The bottles are then put in there.
Modern wine rack
This variant again serves as a room divider with which the owners can store their wine. It is a see-through design that separates the living room from the dining area. The material used is metal, which forms supports shaped like bottles and two large storage areas in an inclined position.
A small bar
If you want to store the wine, it doesn't necessarily have to be the focus. In this small home bar it is just part of several products. The counter also offers an additional compartment for storing bottles. The board was curved several times so that the wine bottles lie stable.
In the living room
This living room features a built-in wine rack. The individual compartments are square shaped. When the owners store the wine, the bottles turn into an additional decoration as they are pushed into the compartment neck first. The round bottle bases contrast with the square shelf design.
Use wall niches
Wall niches, no matter the size, are a great way to create additional storage space. So if you are still wondering how best to store your wine, then this is a perfect option. Simply fill the niche with metal or PVC pipes that are large enough to hold the bottles. As you can see, wine racks can be made from any materials.
Store in the apartment
You can store the wine upright by building shelves like this. These can be located in the home bar or in the kitchen, living room or hallway. That depends entirely on your apartment. In this way you get an interesting wall decoration in which you can practically store your wine at the same time.
In the basement
If you have a basement, you can consider this extremely impressive idea. The ceiling of the cellar, which is located under the kitchen, is made of glass. This way you get a special look into the wine cellar while you work in the kitchen.
Round cellar shape
This variant is at least as interesting. A small, round room is located in the floor of the kitchen. The glass lid opens while a spiral staircase allows owners to retrieve the appropriate wine from the shelf. With a design like this you are guaranteed to amaze every guest.
Living room with glass floor
From this living area you can also see the wine cellar. But that's not enough. The cellar with its acrylic shelves is also attractively lit, creating an original atmosphere in both rooms. If you would like to store your wine in a special way, you can also consider this idea.
In the closet
A special wine rack was built for this kitchen as an extension. It is made of glass and allows you to see inside at any time. The idea of storing wine fits perfectly into the minimalist design of the kitchen and transforms the useful into an attractive decoration. The whole thing is complemented by the decorative element in the floor and interesting lighting systems.
Idea for limited space
If you don't need oversized wine racks, you can also choose such a design and use it to decorate the wall at the same time. It is a metal shelf whose individual elements are reminiscent of loops. The bottles are simply pushed in to the side and you can store your beloved wine.
Coffee table for wine storage
Another idea for apartments with little space is a piece of furniture that can also be used to store wine. This Don Vino coffee table is very suitable. It has a round shape and is made of wood. It offers space for enough wine bottles without taking up valuable space in the apartment.