Living space design with colors – 50 examples in trendy wall colors

Inviting in bright, warm berry nuances, elegant in blue or exotic in wine red - the entire effect of the room changes depending on the color scheme selected. And it's not always easy to combine the colors with each other. The professionals at Crown Paint know how to do it - they present a room in three color combinations - so everyone can choose the right inspiration for living room design with colors. You can get detailed information about the colors used from the English manufacturer (linked at the end of the article).

The living room is the room where the family likes to sit together and enjoy being together. The design plays a particularly important role here - the right color combination creates the desired mood in the room. As proof of this, Crown experts presented the same room in threedifferent color schemes– one cold, one neutral and one warm. This way everyone can get a precise idea of ​​the color effect and get inspiration. Shown in the first photo – a cheerful living room with a yellow sofa as an accent. The light green walls in pastel shades make the elegant piece of furniture stand out better. The bedspread and green glass table subtly emphasize the background color.

TheLiving room lights upin the trendy lavender and mint green color scheme. The colors add a homely touch to the country house style interior and spice up the simple furniture in neutral colors. The white fireplace mantel sets an accent and gives the room the finishing touch. The pastel shades are also perfect for the bedroom and children's room - they have a calming effect.

All colors are from Crown Paints