7-cup salad recipe: The popular potato salad is so quick and easy to prepare!

It won't be long before many of us will be grilling in our gardens again! Steaks and sausages from the grill always taste delicious, but a delicious salad is also a must. And what is the absolute classic that we all love? A potato salad, of course! If you have to cook for a crowd and want to surprise them with something delicious and easy, then you should take note of our 7 Cup Salad recipe! The cult recipe is a real classic that should not be missing at any barbecue party and will be enjoyed by everyone. So what are you waiting for – read on and enjoy your meal!

After weBaked beer cakenow it's time for a creamy salad. Why we love the 7 Cup Salad Recipe? No complicated weighing and made super quickly - the ingredients are simply weighed out in cups and the amount can be adjusted very easily. For onerelaxed barbecue eveningin a small circle, one cup per ingredient is enough. For a larger party, feel free to double the ingredients used.


  • 1 cup potatoes, waxy
  • 1 cup cooked ham
  • 1 cup apples
  • 1 cup hard boiled eggs
  • 1 cup of salad cucumber
  • 1 cup onions
  • 1 Cup Mayonnaise
  • Salt
  • Pfeffer
  • Paprika powder


  • Boil the potatoes in a large pot of salted water and cook until soft, about 20 minutes.
  • Allow to cool slightly and cut into small pieces.
  • Peel, core and cut apples into small cubes.
  • Then put all the ingredients in a large salad bowl and add mayonnaise.
  • Mix gently with a spoon, being careful not to mush the ingredients.
  • Season with salt, pepper and paprika powder and stir again.
  • Then wrap it with cling film and put it in the fridge for 2-3 hours.
  • And voilà – your 7-cup salad is ready!
  • Cut cucumbers, eggs, onions and cooked ham into small cubes.

Delicious potato salad variants

The great thing about the 7-cup salad recipe is that you can experiment with the ingredients and it never gets boring. Here are a few delicious ideas for potato salad variations that we love.

  • For a lighter version, you could omit the mayonnaise and use Greek yogurt instead.
  • To make the potato salad vegan, use plant-based yogurt and omit the eggs.
  • Radishes and pickles also go perfectly with the 7-cup salad.
  • Instead of boiled ham, potato salad with bacon tastes just as good.