Homemade apple cider vinegar is an all-natural product that has countless uses - whether you drink it for health or use it to clean your home. In this article we will introduce you to a practical and easy method on how you can make your own apple cider vinegar!
- Cut 4-5 well-washed apples into pieces about 5 cm long. Alternatively, you can store the leftover apple cores and peels (approx. 120-180 g) for a few days so that you can make apple cider vinegar yourself from leftover apples.
- Place the apples in a sterilized 2 liter glass jar and fill with cool water. Make sure the water covers the top of the apple pieces. If necessary, place a smaller sterilized jar over the apples to weigh them down and ensure they are completely covered—apple pieces exposed to air in the jar can rot and spoil the vinegar.Tipp: For best results, use filtered water that is free of contaminants that can affect the cider.
- Cover the mason jar with cheesecloth or a clean cloth. This keeps unwanted substances out of the glass, but the gases can still escape during the fermentation process.
- Place the jar in a warm, dark place for 3-4 weeks, stirring once a day. Protect it from direct sunlight and keep it in a room with a temperature of around 16-27°C.
- When the contents of the jar take on a pungent aroma similar to bottled apple cider vinegar, strain the liquid through several layers of cheesecloth or a coffee filter into a clean container to remove any residue.
Follow these steps to complete the fermentation process
- Return the liquid to the jar and let it sit for another 2 weeks. This allows the apple cider vinegar to complete its fermentation and get the full flavor it should have. Open the jar every few days and stir it.Notice: During this time a hard film will form on the surface. This is the “mother of vinegar,” a solid that forms in fermenting liquids and aids in the fermentation process.
- Strain the vinegar from the mother of vinegar and pour it into a sterilized container. Close with a lid and store in the refrigerator where it will last for up to 1 year.Notice:Do not throw away the mother of vinegar! You can use them for the next batch, especially if you make apple cider vinegar from apple juice yourself!
Make your own apple cider vinegar – If you want your vinegar to have a stronger flavor, let it ferment for a few more days.
Also read:Can apple cider vinegar cause morning blood sugar spikes? A biochemist explains it!
Making apple cider vinegar from apple juice – it’s that easy!
You can also make your own apple cider vinegar from apple juice. Simply squeeze the fruit pieces and let their juice ferment into vinegar. Of course, follow the instructions above. Cover the jar with a cloth or cheesecloth and leave it in a warm, dark place but out of direct sunlight for 4 to 6 weeks. A suitable place would be a kitchen cupboard, for example.
If you add a piece of mother of vinegar (that's why we told you not to throw it away), the transformation will be even better.
Losing weight with apple cider vinegar: Does the apple cider vinegar drink really help with weight loss? Best recipes from many years of experiencecan be found here!