Do you love customs and traditions? Then you can continue with it after the wonderful Christmas and bake a delicious Epiphany cake for January 6th. In the following lines we will explain to you what this holiday is about, what the yeast pastry has to do with it and how to prepare the cake. You will love the Epiphany Cake recipe!
When and why is the old German king cake baked?
The holiday pastries are prepared on the day of the Lord's appearance. The date is January 6th, Epiphany Day. Traditionally, a bean is also incorporated into the cake (later a coin was used instead). Whoever finds the bean in their piece while eating is named Bean King for the day and is treated accordingly (for example, they don't have to do any housework). A fun tradition that delights young and old alike.
But it's not just Germany that celebrates and bakes on this day. There is the Epiphany cake in France, called Galette de Rois, but also in Switzerland, for example. A Greek, Portuguese and Spanish Epiphany cake (pictured above) also exists and there are even variations in Mexico and Louisiana, although the recipes differ in shape and recipe depending on the region.
Interesting:There are also Epiphany Cake figurines for sale that are used instead of beans or coins.
Traditional Epiphany cake recipe
Even if you're not interested in the holiday itself, it's still worth trying out the classic Epiphany Cake recipe. It tastes goodthanks to its yeast doughsimply delicious and also looks really impressive on the table.
For 8 to 9 servings:
- 500 g Flour
- 60g sugar
- 60g butter, room temperature
- 1 to 1 ½ tsp salt
- 200 to 300 ml milk
- 30g fresh yeast
- 2 Owner
- 4 EL Rosinen
- optionally 1 teaspoon grated lemon peel
- To decorate: egg yolk, 2 tablespoons cream, 30 g each of flaked almonds and granulated sugar
Knead the yeast dough
- Mix the flour with the sugar in a bowl and form a well in the center into which add the butter, salt and, if using, the lemon zest.
- Warm 200 ml of milk (only lukewarm) and dissolve the fresh yeast in it.
- Pour them into the hollow in the flour and knead a yeast dough.
- While you are kneading, gradually add the eggs and raisins.
- Form a ball, place it back in the bowl and cover. Let the dough rise for an hour.
Epiphany Cake Recipe – Form the dough into balls and arrange them
Now shape the pastry and then bake it. For this:
- Form eight balls, with the center one slightly larger than the others.
- Hide a bean (or a coin) in one of the balls.
- Line a baking tray with baking paper
- On the tray, arrange the smaller balls around the larger one to create a flower, so to speak.
- (Depending on how big the middle ball has become, you may need another small one. Check before arranging!)
- Cover the still raw pastry with a clean cloth.
- Let it rise for 1 hour.
Bake Epiphany cake
- Preheat the oven to 180 degrees.
- Mix egg yolk and cream and brush the outside of the dough.
- Sprinkle with almonds and sugar.
- Bake 30 minutes.
This also tastes delicious:Pig ear pastries like from the bakery with only 3 ingredients