Fruit bruschetta without tomatoes: pomegranate adds even more pizzazz!

Of course, the classic bruschetta with tomatoes and onions is a culinary delight. But sometimes you feel like doing something new and perhaps unusual. How about this fruit bruschetta with pomegranate?

The sweetness of pomegranate seeds and hearty avocado – a combination that hardly anyone can resist. The fruit bruschetta (and not “bruscetta” as some people mistakenly think) stimulates the appetite without filling you up and is therefore perfect as a fruitcold appetizer for the summer. How to make bruschetta with pomegranate and avocado?

Fruit Bruschetta with Pomegranate and Avocado – Simple recipe

How to make the delicious fruit bruschetta yourself, and thatin a matter of seconds, find out in the following recipe.

Ingredients for the pomegranate avocado bruschetta

For one loaf (approx. 15 slices):

  • 1 Ciabatta
  • 2 avocados, peeled, pitted and diced
  • 1 pomegranate
  • 50 g feta (or more to taste)
  • 2 cloves of garlic, minced
  • 50-70 ml olive oil
  • 1 stalk parsley, chopped
  • Salt

Preparing fruit bruschetta for vegetarian dishes

  • Cut the ciabatta into slices and spread it on a baking sheet.
  • Drizzle it with the oil.
  • Bake at 190 degrees for about 5 minutes.
  • In the meantime, get thesePomegranate seeds(better wear an apron as the juice can splash quite a bit).
  • Spread the avocado on the bread slices
  • Crumble the feta over it.
  • Add salt.
  • Top the tomato-free bruschetta with the parsley and pomegranate seeds.

Tipp:You can also mash the avocado andlike a dipspread on the bread. For a heartier version, prepare the avocado bruschetta with tomato. Mozzarella can also be used instead of feta, while you can use tomato seasoning to season it.

We promise – if you love the classic bruschette, but are also open to itmore exotic variationsyou will fall in love with this recipe!