We have already presented you with some recipes for the friendly and popular cake pops, with which you can delight not only children but also adults at parties. You can use these recipes to create funny characters depending on the occasion and celebration. Since Halloween is approaching, we would now like to introduce you to some Halloween cake pops ideas with which you can transform the dessert into real eye-catchers.
Useany recipes for Halloween. The only difference is the external design of the balls. The stems can also be chosen arbitrarily. Both shish kebab skewers and popsicle sticks work well. These can also be replaced with pretzel sticks to make the stems edible.
You will be amazed at the simple materials and products that can be used. Make the decoration easier by using ready-made products such as Smarties, colored sugar or licorice and decorate the sweet balls with icing or fondant. A wide variety of elements can be cut out of the latter.
It's particularly easy to decorate the cakes with sprinkles. Use colors appropriate for Halloween such as orange, yellow, black, purple or poison green. The finished cake pops are simply dipped in any icing and then sprinkled with sprinkles. If necessary, you can then press them in slightly so that they hold better.
Cakes with colored sugar are made in a similar way. The mini cakes on a stick also have a glamorous look because they glitter slightly. Then roll the dough, rolled into a ball, through the sugar until the entire surface is well covered. You can also decorate the stems with washi tape or other patterned paper.
If you want to make cute ghosts, then the cakes should not be round in shape. The dough has the perfect consistency to be shaped into any shape you want. Once you have created the shape you want, you can insert the stem into the bottom side, dip the ghost in white icing and finally add a face. Again, use icing or an edible colored pencil.
Witches are also a great idea. The best way to do this is to use a green dipping glaze. You can either make the hair out of thinly cut fondant or you can make it easier for yourself and just use the edible strings in any color. Hats are quickly made again with fondant. You may also find chocolates in a suitable shape that you can simply attach.
The so-called candy corn is a traditional sweet in the States that should never be missed on Halloween. Use this motif to create original cakes. You can easily shape the dough into a pyramid. Insert the stem into the bottom and first dip the dough in a light yellow glaze.
As soon as the first glaze has hardened, you can dip the dough into the next, orange glaze. Allow these to harden again before continuing. Last is the turn of the white icing, which only covers the tip. Since this idea is quick and easy, your children can also help out.
As with ghosts and candy corn, you can also shape the dough to make cats. You can also shape the cat's ears and then attach them to the cat's head. For this idea, use the darkest possible glaze. A typical Halloween motif is namelyblackCats. Yellow icing or fondant is suitable for the eyes and nose.
The mummies are again a very simple variant. You need white icing for the head and for the design of the bandages. The best way to get the bandages onto the mummy heads is to use a fine pointed bag. The eyes are just made up of dots. Any colors are suitable.
More delicate handwork is required for skeletons of this type. The round balls are designed white and then need a face. If you want to use icing, toothpicks are good for creating finer lines like this. The finished cakes are also decorated with patterned paper cases for muffins.
Bats should also not be missing from Halloween decorations. And if these are also edible, the decoration is even better! As with the cat, jet-black glaze is required for these little cakes. Design the wings freehand on baking paper with glaze. Then use a knife to make slits in the balls and insert the hardened wings into them.
You can never have enough pumpkins on Halloween. They're fun to hollow out and carve and create the perfect Halloween atmosphere. They delight children and adults. Complement the carved pumpkins with matching desserts.
Decorate the orange cakes with green sprinkles as shown above or just stick individual sprinkles into the top of the pumpkin for the stem. Green cords are also suitable for this. The face is simply designed with black or brown glaze. Feel free to combine different ideas with each other.
Eyes can be made quickly and easily with white icing. The cakes then receive a few red veins, which you paint on the white icing with a red paint pen. You can then cut out the irises in different colors from fondant. This comes to the eye. The pupil in turn consists of a brown Smartie.
If you have made witches from them, you may also want to add a witch's cauldron to them. Dip the stick dough into brown chocolate to glaze, then place the Halloween cake pops on baking paper so that the glaze can run down to form a “foot” that will form the edge of the cauldron. Green sprinkles then imitate the witch's poisonous tank.
Spiders are also funny eye-catchers and can be distributed throughout the room in the form of desserts or simply asHalloween table decorationscan use. How exactly you make the spiders is basically up to you. Liquorice is best for the legs. The example above also shows homemade fondant eyes.
You can make it easier for yourself with Smarties. Use mini Smarties in any color. These should be placed on top of the glaze while it is still wet. As the glaze dries, the eyes are fixed. You can insert the stem into the spider body both at the top and bottom.
Frankenstein seems to be a little more complicated. If you want to choose it as a Halloween motif, you don't necessarily have to design it as above. You are also welcome to come up with other variations. The only important thing is that you stick to the rectangular head shape and use a greenish glaze. Then the Halloween cake pops will be too good to eat.