Peeling garlic – this is really quick and easy!

Garlic is a popular cooking ingredient. It gives dishes, marinades and sauces a wonderful aroma. The popular tuber is also very healthy and helps with many intestinal and stomach problems. However, anyone who often cooks with it knows how annoying it is to peel the small cloves of garlic. They are too small for the peeler and are usually peeled individually by hand. Here we show a little trick on how you can peel garlic very quickly and easily.

All you need is a flat surface, such as a cutting board and a large knife. You can also use your palm instead of the knife.

Here's how:Take a whole garlic bulb and press it briefly with the flat side of a knife or the palm of your hand. As a result of the pressure, the peels of the individual garlic cloves come off as if by themselves.

Using this method, large quantities can be peeled quickly and cleanly at once. Try it yourself!