Carving fruit and vegetables – 93 ideas and instructions for beginners

Called Kae Sa Luk by the Thais, it is an ancient art that originated in Asia about 700 years ago. Fruits and vegetables are intricately carved and used as decorations for buffet tables in some restaurants and at party events. This type of carving is not only popular in Japan, Korea, Bali and Sri Lanka, but also here. Fruit and vegetable carving is an attractive way to garnish and decorate salads, dishes and desserts and can also be learned by you. Start with a few simple projects like flowers and small figures and then you can move on to the more complicated designs. Check out our great suggestions and try it yourself!

Fruit basket from oneCarved watermelonis a popular decoration for summer brunch. It can be filled with a variety of fruits, especially melon balls, berries, apple wedges and orange slices. Another great idea is this watermelon cake with an intricately carved rind and garnished with berries.

Small, round radishes with red skin are often calledgarnishused for salads and cold dishes. Beautiful flowers such as roses and stars can be carved from it.

Tomatoes can be quickly and easily transformed into flowers. Lightly score the skin from the base of the stem to the middle with a sharp knife. Then peel off the skin from the top of the tomato and pull down. Cucumbers and peppers are also good choices because you can hold them firmly without crushing them.

Green spring onions are often only used as an additive for decoration. You can also create beautiful lotus flowers from the other types of onions. Simply make 4 vertical cuts in each bulb. This creates a total of 8 columns that are still attached to the root end. The roasted onion flowers are also perfect as a starter or as a side dish - crispy on the outside, sweet on the inside.