Do you want to make a creative and original decoration for your summer party? Watermelons are very popular in summer because they are sweet and refreshing at the same time. You can also create many different figures with it. Great ideas on how you can carve the watermelon in an interesting way and the corresponding instructions can be found in the article. Be inspired and surprise your children and friends with beautiful table decorations at the next party.
the necessary materials and tools
To carve the Cheshire Cat from Alice in Wonderland yourself, you will need a large oval watermelon for the head, possibly seedless, and an elongated watermelon for the cat's tail. You can use two black olives and a strawberry for your eyes and nose. There is also a large kitchen knife, vegetable knife, carving knife and melon ballerfor cuttingand carving necessary. Pins, wooden skewers and toothpicks are necessary to connect the individual parts. The cat's face is drawn with a whiteboard marker so you know exactly where to carve.
Carving a Cheshire Cat out of watermelon – first step
First, wash the watermelons under cold running water and pat dry. Then use the kitchen knife to cut 1 to 2 centimeters from the bottom of the oval watermelon to stabilize the base. Next, use the whiteboard marker to draw the Cheshire Cat's face. The tufts of hair, eyes, eyebrows, mouth and teeth must be marked. Use a template of the cat as needed if you are unsure of the individual details.
First use the chiseling knife to create the contour lines of the mouth. The eyes and teeth can be cut off and hollowed out with a vegetable knife, but not too deeply so that the pulp is not reached. Use these two instruments until the characteristics of the Cheshire Cat take on a visible shape.
Cut out a cat's tail from the rind of the elongated watermelon and cut strips as shown in the picture to create the color pattern of the real Cheshire Cat. The rest of the watermelon can be used for dessert or to squeeze juice.
Next, cut the top part of the carving again with the paring knife and remove the back part to make a fruit bowl. Use the melon baller to hollow out the watermelon and use the flesh as a filling for the rind. Then attach the finished cat tail to the carving using the wooden skewers, half of the strawberry with the toothpicks and the olives for eyes with pins.
the hungry panda
This lovely panda can be carved from a round seedless watermelon. It is first washed and patted dry, then the base is stabilized, as with the Cheshire Cat carving. Next, a quarter circle is cut from the back of the watermelon to form a face at the front and a fruit bowl at the back. The fruit is hollowed out using a melon baller and the pulp can be used for a fruit salad.
Draw the eyes, nose and mouth with a whiteboard marker. Use the chiseling knife to create a semi-circle design in the eye area. Then, using a peeler or paring knife, carefully peel the green top layer of the watermelon to reveal the white layer. Leave green only around the eyes, nose and mouth. Use the watermelon scraps to cut out round ears. Finally, attach the ears and two blueberries with toothpicks, fill the fruit bowl with fruit salad and decorate the table with it.
Video instructions
an ideal decoration for the barbecue party
If you want to make the barbecue party even more themed, you can make a grill out of watermelon and fruitServe on skewers. So her dessert is delicious yet healthy and in keeping with the theme. For this DIY project you will need a mini watermelon, celery stalks and fruit of your choice.
The tools required for the watermelon grill are kitchen knives, paring knives, melon ballers or ice cream scoops, apple corers, wooden skewers, toothpicks, wire cutters, and cookie cutters if desired.
The fruit is washed, patted dry and divided into two halves widthwise. The pulp is hollowed out with the ice cream scoop and used as a filling for the watermelon rind or for the wooden skewers. The other fruits are also peeled, cut into small pieces and placed on the skewers. You can create different shapes with the cookie cutters. You can also grill the finished skewers if desired.
Three dense celery sticks can be used to form stands for the grill. You can easily make suitable holes for this with an apple corer. They should be positioned correctly so that the grill is stable on the stands.
You can fill the empty bowl with its pulp and blackberries so that the filling looks like fire and charcoal. Then the wooden skewers are inserted into the upper part of the bowl as shown to make a grill grid. Use wire cutters to remove the protruding ends of the skewers. Place the fruit on skewers on top and the bottom part of the grill is ready.
You can use the other half of the watermelon to make a lid for the grill. Using the toothpicks, attach a small piece of celery to the highest part of the lid to form a handle. Then the grill is ready to serve.
Creative handbag
This glitter handbag is a suitable decoration for girly children's birthdays or parties. First, wash an elongated watermelon and cut it in half widthwise. Then take one half and cut off the top. Use a paring knife to cut out the flesh. This is the base of the bag, which can be placed on a flat plate.
Next, place the other half cut side down. Then divide it in half again and cut a 3 to 5 centimeter wide slice from the longest part for a bag handle. Cut off the flesh and carve a wavy edge for the watermelon handle. Attach the bag handle to the base of the bag with toothpicks and use the rest of the watermelon to make any decorations you like. Any kind of shape can be made from the pulp and used as a filling for the bag. You can use a hot glue gun to glue rhinestones onto the shell and create a glittering effect.