Quinoa porridge with bananas and cinnamon – prepare a healthy, filling and tasty breakfast

Porridge, known as oatmeal in German-speaking countries, is a traditional breakfast in Great Britain that is prepared quickly and easily from just a few ingredients. The porridge is incredibly varied and can be modified as desired. In today's article we would like to present you a delicious recipe for quinoa porridge with bananas and cinnamon that will bring a healthy variety to the breakfast table. Nutrient-rich and filling, the quinoa porridge is sure to quickly become one of your favorite menu items.

Preparing healthy quinoa porridge – the ingredients

For the delicious quinoa porridge with bananas and cinnamon you needfollowing ingredients:

100g cooked quinoa
1 Banana
100 g oat flakes
1 Zimtstange
300 ml milk
100 ml water
maple syrup

The preparation

Put the oats and a cinnamon stick in a pot.

Then pour in the milk and water.

Bring everything to a boil and reduce the temperature. Let everything simmer for 15 minutes.

Add the cooked quinoa and stir well.

Remove the cinnamon stick.

Cut the banana into slices.

Serve the quinoa porridge with banana slices and maple syrup. You can make this simple and tasty quinoa porridgemodify as desiredand garnish. Served with a few chocolate drops, the filling breakfast tastes particularly delicious.

With just one bowl of quinoa porridge you ensure an optimal acid-base balance and consume healthy vegetable protein and essential amino acids. Oats provide the body with beta-glucans, which prevent blood sugar levels from rising sharply.

If you still have some of the quinoa porridge left over, you can store the pre-cooked porridge covered with cling film in the fridge and enjoy it the next morning. It tastes just as good cold as it does slightly warmed.