Raclette is a dish that originated in the Alps of Switzerland hundreds of years ago. The idea is thanks to the shepherds. Basically, this is cheese whose edge has been melted in the oven or over a fire and then stripped off with a knife. Hence the name, which translates as “scraping/scraping off”. Raclette only came to the valley and became known to more and more people in the 20th century. This makes it all the more important to us to offer you the raclette, as wellRaclette side dishesto introduce.
If you love cheese, then ours will appeal to youRecipe ideasnot only please, but downright blow your mind. You will find out about the diverseCombination optionsmarvel. It not only tastes good with meat products, potatoes or vegetables, but can also be combined with sweet fruits. Use our recipes to put together delicious dishes that you will spoil the whole family and friends with.
How is this prepared?
You have various options for preparing the raclette. Classically, the cheese is melted using a raclette oven. This consists of a support or base on which the cheese is placed. A grill lamp ensures that the cheese melts and can then simply be removed. Alternatively, you can use a raclette pan for a raclette grill or a fireproof version for the oven, which are small and usually intended for one person at a time. You can prepare food wonderfully in it. Of course, you can also use any other type of bakeware if you don't already own the ones mentioned above.
Raclette cheese with meat or vegetables
A particularly easy way to combine the cheese is to add any meat, sausage, bacon or ham after you have melted it. In principle, the cheese can be combined with any ingredient, provided you like it. Choose any fresh vegetables that you grill together with the cheese or separately on the raclette grill. So you can use the delicious cheese for a healthy diet.
Classic recipe with potatoes
– 350 g potatoes
– 2 tbsp olive oil
– 120 g raclette cheese
– Pickles
Preheat the oven to 220 degrees. Cut the cheese into thin slices and the potatoes into wider ones. Spread the latter on a baking tray lined with baking paper and season with the olive oil. Bake the potatoes in the oven for about 17 minutes, then put them in the raclette pan and top with the cheese slices. The ingredients are baked for about 5 minutes until bubbles form in the cheese. Decorate the finished dish with pickles.
Potatoes, mushrooms and ham
– 12 red baby potatoes
– 15 g Butter
– 225 g mushrooms
– 1 small onion
– 4 slices of ham
– 200 g Raclette
Raclette pans
Preheat the raclette grill to medium to prepare these ingredients. Cook the potatoes and in the meantime cook the mushrooms with the chopped onion. Heat the ham in the same water for a short time. Depending on the size, add one or two cooked, still hot potatoes to each raclette pan and mash roughly with a fork. Garnish with the mushrooms, ham and onion, spread cheese and grill the portion in the grill.
Red cabbage side dish
– 500 g chopped red cabbage
– 450 g raclette cheese
– 250 ml light or dark beer
– 1 TL Butter
– 1 EL Honig
– Pfeffer
Melted cheese from Switzerland
Melt the butter directly in a raclette pan and fry the red cabbage on a medium heat for 5 minutes. Add the beer, pepper and honey. Let everything cook until the liquid ingredients turn into a syrup. This will take approximately 10 minutes. You can serve these raclette side dishes in addition to the raclette dish that you prepare separately and to your liking.
– 1 kg small jacket potatoes
– 200 g smoked bacon
– 400 g raclette cheese
– 1 finely chopped onion
– 100 ml olive oil
– 2 THE Thymian
– Pickled cucumbers and onions
Choose side dishes to go with the delicious cheese
Boil the potatoes in salted water and then peel them. Until ready, heat half of the olive oil in a pan and fry the onion and bacon for about 10 minutes. In another pan, fry the cooked potatoes using the other half of the oil. Place the potatoes, onion and bacon in an ovenproof dish, season with thyme and top with the cheese. Grill the ingredients in a raclette grill. You can garnish the finished dish with pickled cucumbers and onions and serve with a fresh salad.
Grilled raclette cheese with black radishes
– 2 black radishes
– 2 to 3 slices of raclette cheese
- Leek
– chopped walnuts
– Slices of bread
Grill or oven
You can use the raclette side dishes wonderfully for bread. Cut the radishes and the cheese into slices. Then cover a slice of bread with the cheese. Then grill the bread in the raclette grill for about 5 minutes until the cheese is golden brown. Spread the radishes on top and sprinkle with walnuts and leeks. The recipe is wonderful for oneSnackSuitable in between meals or as a light evening meal.
Pomegranate and citrus fruits
– 800 g raclette cheese
– 1 kg jacket potatoes
– 2 to 4 citrus fruits
– 1 pomegranate
– Rosenpfeffer
Sweet idea with fruit
Boil the jacket potatoes in water. Let the cheese melt and season with the pepper. In the meantime, you can peel the citrus fruits (e.g. grapefruit, orange and lemon). We recommend removing the skin as well. Use the citrus pieces to garnish the cheese in the raclette pan. Also add the pomegranate seeds. Then serve the whole thing with the still warm potatoes.
Pancakes for breakfast
– 225 g raclette cheese
– 300 g Flour
– 15g sugar
– 2 Owner
– 300 ml milk
– 15 g Butter
– 2 tsp baking powder
– 1/2 TL Backsoda
– 1/2 TL Vanilleextrakt
– Apple, pear, grapes
Cheese in the classic pan
This recipe is perfect if you want to prepare a classic and at the same time unusual breakfast. For this purpose, the pancakes are first prepared. Then the melted cheese is poured over it, for which you either use the oven or the reclatte grill.
Prepare pancake batter
Put all the dry ingredients in a large bowl, mix them well and make a well in the center into which you add the milk and vanilla. Mix until a smooth dough forms. Now set this aside so that you can cut the fruit into slices. Which fruits you use is your decision.
Pancakes on the raclette grill
Preheat the grill to medium and melt the butter. Grill half of the chopped fruits for the raclette side dishes until they turn brown. Use the other half of the grill to bake the pancakes. Each side should be baked for about 3 to 4 minutes. Melt the cheese in the raclette pans and then put it on the finished pancakes. Serve with the fruit and, if desired, cinnamon and maple syrup.
Raclette pancakes in the oven
Preheat the oven to 190 degrees. Melt the butter in a frying pan and cook the pancakes again for 3 to 4 minutes on both sides. Spread them on a baking tray lined with baking paper and place one or more slices of cheese on each pancake. While the cheese is melting in the oven, fry the fruit in the same skillet. Serve the raclette side dishes as described above.