Rainbow cake recipe with and without Smarties for baking

If you are looking for the perfect cake for a children's birthday or other fun party, you are guaranteed to make the right choice with the rainbow cake, also known as the rainbow cake. The bright colors for the dough make the cake extremely likeable and undoubtedly put you in a good mood. And although at first glance it may seem that colorful cakes are difficult to prepare, we promise that this is not the case. As proof of its simplicity, we have a simple rainbow cake recipe for you that you can bake when you get the chance.

Apart from the different bases, you also need a glaze or the so-called topping if you have oneMake your own rainbow cake. This way it gets a more attractive appearance. In addition, the surprise effect is particularly great, because because of the cover, no one will expect how colorful the inside of the cake is. The glaze can simply be white or colored in any color.

The ingredients

  • 150 g Flour
  • 6 Owner
  • 150 g cornstarch
  • 225g sugar
  • 2 packs of vanilla sugar
  • 5 tsp baking powder (leveled)
  • Food coloring in the desired tones (e.g. taste-neutral Wilton gel colors)
  • 5 tbsp hot water

For the topping:

  • 1000 g cream cheese
  • 500g white chocolate


  1. Beat the eggs in the hot water until foamy. While stirring, add sugar and vanilla sugar.
  2. In a separate bowl, mix together the flour, baking powder and cornstarch and gradually add to the sugar-egg mixture.
  3. Divide the dough evenly into six small bowls (approx. 120 to 130 g per bowl) and color the dough with a pinch of food coloring in each bowl (mix pink and blue for purple).
  4. Line one or better yet two springform pans (18 or 20 cm diameter) with baking paper. Bake the bases one after the other in a preheated oven at 190 degrees for 10 to 13 minutes.
  5. After baking, let each of the rainbow cake bases cool down, remove them from the tin and bake the next dough.

The topping

Finally, the topping is prepared. This not only adorns the outside of the cake, but also divides the individual layers so that they can be shown off better, but also stick to each other better and don't taste too dry when eaten. Instead of topping, you can also make a rainbow cake with fondant if you like. This is simply rolled out and finally placed over the cake.

Melt the white chocolate in a water bath. Meanwhile, use a mixer to stir the cream cheese until creamy. The melted chocolate is then gradually folded into the cream cheese and mixed well, after which the topping is left to set in the refrigerator for one to two hours.

How is layering done?

Once the topping has become a little firmer, you can start layering the individual bases. It is important that you stick to the correct order of colors, as found in the rainbow (red, orange, yellow, green, blue and purple). So first place the red base on the cake plate. Then it's the turn of the base with orange color and another layer of topping. So repeat the whole thing with all floors. You can also spread jam on the base to give it a fruitier taste. Once all the layers are on top of each other, the entire cake is coated with the remaining topping from above and on the sides. You are now done with the entire rainbow cake recipe. The cakes with the topping always have to stand in the fridge for a while to firm up before serving. The cake comes out of the fridge just before serving.

Recipe without topping

Of course, you can also forego the coating of the cake and just separate the layers with the topping from each other. This way the colorful cake layers remain visible, which is also very attractive. In this case, be careful not to use too much + between the bases so that it doesn't squeeze out and cover the edges. You can also prevent this by using solid and cold topping.

Smartie Torte

You can get a rainbow cake with Smarties in two different ways. In principle, you can use the same rainbow cake recipe as above. You then still have the option of either hiding Smarties inside or using them to decorate the outside. For the last variant, you should remember that decorating should take place immediately before serving. If the Smarties lie on the topping for too long, they will soak in the moisture, become paler and can also discolor the topping. The candies are suitable for creating different patterns and also for labeling (e.g. for the name or age of the birthday child).

Anotherinteresting rainbow cakesInstructions are those for the hidden Smarties inside. To do this, you have to make a small change to the rainbow cake recipe or to the finished base. You cut holes in the middle of the bottom four floors (red, orange, yellow, green) so that a cavity is created when you stack them on top of each other. The layers are then layered as usual, alternating with the base and topping. Before adding the blue base, fill the cavity with the Smarties and then continue stacking. It's so easy to get the perfect cakes for children, which adults would also be happy about.

Colorful cake with colored decoration

When it comes to decorating, you can modify the rainbow cake recipes as you wish and let your imagination run wild. So if you're finished with the rainbow cake recipe and find the white topping too boring, you can't just color it. You can also add beautiful decorations with a cake piping and use rainbow colors for this. Then the cake design will be even more colorful.

Alternative cakes

Once you get the hang of it, and we promise it will happen quickly, you can also try out other variants like this rain floor roll. The dough also doesn't have to be made into multiple bases. You can also create a single base from the colored dough. To do this, simply spoon them into the baking pan without stirring. This creates a different, interesting pattern every time.

Original recipe fromBaby, child and sea.