Freezing Brussels Sprouts: Use these methods to preserve the flavor

If you grow cabbage sprouts in your own garden or have simply bought too many of them on the market, you are probably wondering how to store them long-term. Like most vegetables, you can freeze Brussels sprouts to enjoy their unique flavor at any time.

Brussels sprouts are full of health nutrients, vitamins and minerals. When boiled down, this member of the coal family has a nutty, slightly sweet, and smoky flavor. However, it is well known that freezing can affect the flavor and texture of most vegetables, but following the proper steps will preserve the freshness and nutritional value of these delicious fall vegetables.

Freezing Brussels Sprouts: 3 Methods to Store in the Freezer

Fresh Brussels sprouts are in season from September to March and taste best after the first frost. There are countless ways to prepare it if you have it frozen in your kitchen. These delicious winter vegetables can be stored in the freezer for up to a year. If you want to retain its flavor and nutritional value for longer, you can freeze it raw or blanched, or roast it before freezing. Below we will explain how to properly freeze Brussels sprouts to preserve their authentic taste and use them at any time.

Prepare the winter vegetables for freezing

Once you've harvested or purchased the Brussels sprouts, it's time to prepare them for freezing.

First, wash the cabbage-like vegetable with cold water to remove dirt and insects. Then cut off the outer stem and remove the wilted leaves.

Freeze cabbage sprouts raw

The easiest option if you are not sure how you will prepare the Brussels sprouts later is to freeze them raw.

First, soak the florets in warm water for 10 minutes to remove any dirt from under the leaves. Then rinse them with cold water and pat dry with a tea towel. Remember that you want the vegetables to be completely dry before storing them in the freezer to avoid ice crystals.

Place the florets in freezer bags, squeeze out any excess air with your hands and seal the bags.

Write the date on each bag to ensure you don't keep the Brussels sprouts in the freezer for more than a year.

Freeze blanched Brussels sprouts

If you want the Brussels sprouts to retain their color, flavor and nutritional value longer, it is better to blanch them before freezing. This method requires a few steps, but it helps preserve the sweetness for longer and prevents the sprouts from becoming mushy.

  • After youthe healthy vegetablesOnce washed and prepared, sort the florets by size.
  • Bring a pot of water to a boil.
  • Fill a large bowl with ice water.
  • Blanch the small cabbage sprouts for 3 minutes, the medium ones – for 4 minutes and the large ones – for 5 minutes.
  • Dip the blanched florets into the ice water to stop the cooking process.
  • Spread the cabbage sprouts on a clean kitchen towel and pat them completely dry.
  • Place the cooled and dried Brussels sprouts on a parchment-lined baking sheet and freeze for about an hour.
  • Once set, place the sprouts in freezer bags or airtight containers, label them, and store them in the freezer for up to a year.

Freeze roasted Brussels sprouts

If you like Brussels sprouts fried or if you have leftover vegetables that have already been fried, you can also freeze them. This will allow you to quickly and easily reheat it later and prepare delicious dinner after the long day at work without much effort.

  • Prepare the Brussels sprouts as described above.
  • Preheat the oven to 200°C.
  • Drizzle each pound of Brussels sprouts with 4 tablespoons of olive oil and place the sprouts in a single layer on a baking sheet.
  • Roast them for 40 minutes until tender, turning them a few times during the baking time.
  • Allow the florets to cool completely on a wire rack and then place them in sealable freezer bags.
  • Label them with the date and freeze them for up to 12 months.
  • If you want to enjoy the roasted Brussels sprouts, sauté them in a pan with olive oil or butter until soft, or heat them in the microwave.

Of course, you can also create ready-made bags of mixed vegetablesvarious delicious dishesto prepare in winter. For example, mix Brussels sprouts with blanched broccoli, kale, carrots or turnips and freeze them.